OT-survived the weekend! | Arthritis Information


Well, I am home!  We left for the bil's wedding Friday morning, it was a 5.5 hour drive!  We got to the hotel and had about 10 minutes to freshen up for the rehearsal dinner.  The restaurant was another 40 minutes away, in downtown Indianapolis and traffic was awful.  We got to the dinner a little late, so we were rushed eating but the food was pretty awful so not a big deal. 

The church was another 40 minutes in yet a different direction.  I was exhausted and really hurting by then so Wills dad offered to drive me the half hour back to the hotel where I went directly to bed.  Apparently after the rehearsal, they went out for drinks and didn't get back until almost 1 am.

Will forgot to set the alarm and was supposed to be at the church at 10am on Saturday as they were doing pictures before the wedding.  I just happened to wake up at 9am and woke him up and of course he was in a foul mood from being up late and getting up late.  I got him out the door and than had to find a ride to the church later as I didn't want to go that early and wait while they were doing pictures.  I found an aunt and uncle who agreed to take me.  They said we would meet in the lobby at 11:30.  Great.  I go up and started the process of getting ready and at 11 they called and said they got ready early and were waiting for me!


 What a trooper you are Michele

You really are a good sport! I can't imagine driving 5 hours and still have to go to a function as soon as you got there. That was asking a lot of people.

At least your in-laws showed you some understanding. Since they've seen what you must go through, hopefully, in the future, they will be a bit more forgiving when you must beg off these lengthy events.

I hope you can get some rest now. Try to take the day off and don't do anything, if possible. I'm sure your body is demanding it by now.

Take care, Sweetie,


Thanks girls.  I am sure that the word will get back to them about how ill conceived their whole weekend was.  Apparently, my mil, the grooms mom, tried to point all this out in the planning stages and they told her to butt out! Glad that's all behind you now, Michele...good luck with your app't!

Man~That sounds terrible! I'd been embarrashed if it would have been my wedding. What are some people thinking?

Good for you for going and being a good sport. Sure hope it wins you some brownie points with the husband. Sounds like you sure deserve it!

Try to get some rest tonight and the rest of the week. Good luck at your appointment on Wednesday.

Hey Michele!  Well, at least it's all in the past!!  Are you in MI?  I am, not too far from Ann Arbor.

Michele, I'm so glad you started to see a glimmer of understanding from the in-laws.  I think sometimes if we are patient enough and persistent enough, that eventually some people will come around.

But the wedding sounds like a disaster.  Better to not invite people than invite them and have them unhappy.

I know the whole thing was a massive physical ordeal, but sometimes I think the worrying about it beforehand is the worst part.  I've done it myself, obsessing over how I'm going to make it, what to say to people who don't understand, etc.  And then it turns out to be not so bad.

Glad you are home, now take a well-deserved rest. Good luck with your appt.

Bravo to you Michelle, you are certainly a trooper in every sense of the word.  Just reading about the wedding made me very tired...LOL  Glad you are home with your boys and hopefully you can get some rest.    You deserve a medal. You should get a SURVIVOR shirt and wear it proudly! I've wondered how those pups are doing? I bet they are adorable. And you have to work today? Wow. You are my hero. Is there any way you can put your feet up at all at work? Or are you on your feet? Weddings that are family related always seem to be way more complicated than others for some reason. You're a trooper.

panty hose? Yikes, haven't worn those in years. In fact my mother and I were arguing on whether they even sell them anymore or not, lol. Except for my own wedding, I haven't worn them since highschool prom.

I sure hope you gotta an "atta girl" from hubby! He owes you one for being such a good sport this weekend. It does sound like the wedding party did little to ensure the guests enjoyed themselves. I come from a huge italian family where the (incredibly good) food, hard booze, and champagne flows freely,. Followed by lots of dancing. When the bride and groom leave, the party is continued all night at the bride's parent's house. Weddings are a celebration and excuse to totally pig out!

I'm glad you survived it!

I am glad your in-laws figured it out! I'll have to take them off the evil in-law list. PS, in regards to panty hose, HATE THEM!!!!!  I had on a sun dress that didn't have much structure to it and thought the pantyhose would keep the wiggling and giggling to a minimum and they did help but man, they are a pain to get on and off!  I haven't worn them myself in many years and don't plan on revisiting them anytime soon!

Welcome home girl...glad you made it through and now it's all behind you.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Royal Oak..a great little city! I'm in Canton.whatta nightmare, I'm sure you are glad to be home. people can not believe what this 'stuff' does to us....the stress, unknown, long hours of waiting, hours in the car, discomfort of sitting, listening to 'small talk', while we are HURTING! wow!, no wonder all you wanted was to get home to the puppies. The pizza sounded like the best part! Take care, rest up, Lynda

Welcome home!!  glad you are back and in one piece.  Wow...there was one good thing that did come out of this truly very poorly planned wedding.  The in-laws finally coming a little bit to their senses!  After all that you went thru a day of totally pampering yourself is in order!!! 

I bet the boys were very happy to see you.  I hope you get some good relaxing snuggle in bed time with them soon!!  I swear that sometimes there is nothing better than getting into bed with my doggie after a stressful day and just snuggling with him. 

Michele, I am so happy you got through this awful ordeal. I never heard of not giving people supper at a wedding unless it was a short reception at the church.

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