MTX schedule question | Arthritis Information


Hello all,

Just back from my RD appointment.  ESR still elevated and still anemic.  Thanks to many suggestions here on this board I brought in a list of questions since I have been diagnosed for a year and the meds are doing enough. 

I told her reason that I had to bring a written list of questions is that my memory and concentration are shot Hi, I take 10 mtx on Wed/10 on thursday, I sorry I can't be of help with the other drugs. I can't understand why we must suffer so much and we are still taking tons of meds. It is a mystery to me. All I can think of is in 'time', whatever time that might be we will all feel better. These drugs have to help us!! Right? LyndaI have always taken mtx all at once. I took arava, but it was so long ago, I dont remember the schedule. I hope you are feeling better very soon!!!Boy, Lynda I hope so!  I have been asking myself if the drugs I am on are making that big of a difference.  I think that maybe I should forget them and stick with the pred, adderal and pain pills as I know what they help with.  I am feeling low today, even though I know I am better physically than I was a year ago (I had to use a wheelchair)

I was sort of frustrated with the dr. today as she asked me about my activity level (same dr. who told me to use the treadmill for 30 minutes every morning, heck if I could do that I would need to an RD!)

I told her I teach during the morning (summer school) and because it is only part time I can do water workouts in the evening.  Sometimes I can even cook and clean

Mary...have you thought about switching to injecting the mtx???

No I haven't since 2 months ago, she reduced the amount I was on to 15mgs since I was anemic.  She wants to see me in 6 weeks and will check my blood again in 4 weeks.  I think she will take me off if the anemia doesn't improve.

Does the injectable reduce the fatigue?  I never have any stomach problems with it. Just the anemia. 

thanks all
Hi, I am bumping this up to see if anyone can help.  Thanks


My husband injects my MTX dose every Tuesday.

Thanks all, I will start with the split dosage with 10mg tonight and  then 10mg tonight and 10mg on Friday with 1 arava on the days in between.  Heck, I will need a spreadsheet to keep up with this Hey Mary B! I can't imagine having to spread out the awful MTX. SOB! Yesterday was my injection day and I was able to take a couple of power naps, which helped a ton. By the end of the day I was feeling way more awake but the stomach thing stuck w/ me. Today feeling much better but still woozy tired. Nap helped. Can't imagine you all that have a full time job and have to deal w/ this stuff. Props to you! OOooo and the silencers are consistant, watch out! Feel better and laugh out loud as much as possible.

Mary - I am so sorry, you are such a wonderful addition to this Board, it makes me hurt to know you are hurting.  I haven't heard of taking MTX more than once a week before this thread, so all these differences from so many of us posters of dosages and medications and times and types of therapies and how your physician medicates you vs. how mine medicates me is really making me wonder if there is any uniform protocol for the treatment of RA whatsoever. 

For example, I have been raised to 15 mg once a week MTX and my rheumy told me that was the highest he ever takes a patient, and you are taking 20 in two 10 mg doses.  I really wonder how they come to these decisions on medication dosages, amounts, times, etc.  I looked at your signature and noticed you have asthma, perhaps that is interfering with your response to treatment, maybe that factor is the difference.  You are taking folic acid too, right? 

Have you had a second opinion?  Be sure to have pain meds to sleep, its the only thing I know of to come out of the fatigue.  Put yourself first, rest, and you can do this, and we will all be applauding you when you are awarded your advanced degree later this year.  Take care Cathy 

PS  Mary, honestly, I went from my post above on this thread to another thread where another poster's doctor just told her she could stop taking MTX.  When I asked my rheumy how long I would be on MTX after the second or third appointment, he looked at me, shocked, and said "for the rest of your life."  This is all just plain bizarre.  CathyThanks all!  I agree, I am very confused.  I am on the MTX AND arava the days that I don't take MTX.  I am not sure how I will do at work.  Tomorrow won't be bad, but next week I am teaching and working at the local hospital to cover for someones vacation. 

Cathy, I don't know if the asthma has anything to do with my treatment.  I know Grammaskittles has asthma, I will PM her.  I am taking folic acid ( I will have to rearrange that since I don't take them the day I take MTX) and I have pain pills, though I don't use them often.  I thought the Arava was similar to MTX, but I might be wrong.

Sigh, I live in the sticks, several hours from the "big city" but I am looking in to see about specialists in Seattle or Portland (4-6 hours away) 

I am worried about the anemia, I asked my doc if the anemia was caused by the RA or the drugs and she said it could be either.  I see her in 6 weeks and if there is no improvement or the anemia is worst she wants to talk about biologics. 

Sigh agains nomide.html

OK, I started to worry about my mix of MTX and Arava, I did find this study at this link. So there has been studies and I hope it helps!


Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you!!  I have been busy with housework the past couple of days and today everything just finally caught up to me and I was on the couch.  And I think I have a kidney infection to boot.  But that is a another post and totally enuf about me and on to you.

Injecting the mtx has helped with my fatigue.  The only time I have a real problem with it anymore is if I am flaring hard.  Otherwise, lately I have just had the normal fatigue that comes with the RA. 

As far as the asthma goes...mine is an off shoot of the RA.  Never had it til the RA reared it's beastly head.  From what I can understand about RA meds etc. is that they can make any other medication we are on somewhat less effective.  Prednisone especially lowers the efficacy of medications.  If you really stop and notice...usually what we are put on forr infections is tronger than what most normal peopple get and the duration can be a couple of days longer than normal.  As far as how the RA affects my asthma...when I am flaring it is a sure bet that I am wheezing also.  I use my rescue inhaler much more when I am flaring than when I am not flaring. 

Hope that helped!!!

Thank you Gramma!  I will ask about the injectable next time I see my doc. I hope your kidney infection goes away soon!  Those are horrible.  I have had asthma since I was a child.  It is not so bad anymore since I had sinus surgery, wow that was wonderful.  Chronic sinus infections were no fun and they triggered my asthma all the time.

Thanks everyone.  Great help as always. 
I had great fatigue and memory fog on mtx. According to my Doc, I take 30mg of wal-tussin on the day of mtx and the next day another 30mg wal-tussin am and pm. This really wiped out all fatigue and memory stuff. Still working and raising an awesome 13y daughter.

Hi Mary!

I take 20 mg. of MTX every Friday.  I spread it out: 2 at breakfast, 2 at lunch, 2 at dinner and 2 at bedtime.  I also don't have stomach problems and I think the spreading of the pills helps.  I'm a chronic insomniac so if I'm having a "sleepy" day, I always think that's why. I have a friend who injects the MTX in her thigh every week and that works well for her.  She has no side-effects at all, after having terrible stomach trouble when taking it orally.  Good luck to you.  I know it's unsettling to have to change your med routine.


Jesse8839288.5202893519Thank you all, this really helps me!  I am going to set up some spreadsheets to help me remember all the dosing I am to do.  I am also going to set up a spread sheet for signs and symptoms over each month.  I can't answer the pain level question very well and this may help.

Mary B

Justsaynoemore -   

 After doing so well off MTX for over a month now, my rheumo ( who has been in practice for 40 plus years) said I may not have to restart it I continue to do this well. I guess time will tell. So I guess it is possible to go off of it.



Les13139288.8497106481Les - that's good to know.  I am amazed at the differences in care in here.  I guess that's why they call it practice, and its an art to be used on each individual.  Perhaps we are tilting at windmills trying to find answers from each other.  jjarmani...I have never heard of taking wal-tussin before and after the mtx.  Isn't that cough syrup?  How does that work to clear up brain fog?  I can't take the stuff due to high blood pressure but I am really curious about this as many of us here have horrid brain fog from time to time and really wish we could make it go away.  Justsaynoemore- I typed "of" MTX instead of off. Kind of changes the meaning. Well, I don't know if this schedule will work at if I am actually supposed to work the day after I take it.  Wednesday was a blur.  I did teach in the morning, but the fog and fatigue set in, even though it was only 10mg.  I went home and took a nap for about 3 hours.

I am only teaching part time during the summer, but when fall classes start I don't think I could handle this.  Now, I have another 10mg this weekend