SPEP blood test | Arthritis Information


After some "off" protein levels in my bloodwork, my dr ordered an SPEP (Serum Protein Electrophoresis) test.

Has anyone else had this done?  I researched it and it bacially breaks out the different protien levels.  Just curious if this has been routine for anyone else?

i have never had this test but when i googled it it said it was to test for myeloma and other reasons . if you are concerned it would be best to speak to your doctor about it

My RD ran this as part of my original blood workup for RA. 

Here's a good site for info:

http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/electro phoresis/test.html#what

Thanks, it was one of those situations where it all happened so fast, I didn't have time to process it and ask the right questions.  Now my dr is in Brazil this week on a mission.  Well I guess if the test comes back with off numbers they will let me know, even thought they didn't in the first place.

Hi Matthew,  I first had proteins checked by my rheumatologist. When the results came back elevated I was promptly sent to a hemotologist/oncologist.

He did further tests and was convinced that I had a very low grade lymphoma. After many more tests and a CT-guided biopsy of a mass between my adrenal gland and pancreas ( which scared the bejesus out of me), we found that I didn't have lymphoma, but I do have MGUS which means "Monoclonal Gammopathy of Uncertain Significance". 

Because of this blood protein problem, I am more likely to develope lymphoma than someone without MGUS. I really don't worry about it because I have my blood checked every 3 months and my hemotologist is wonderful. Any hint of something wrong and he does more tests.

But because of having MGUS, I am advised by all doctors not to take the biologics that are available for RA. The reason being that they can already make us a bit more suseptible to developing lymphoma. They don't want me to take that chance.

Here's the kicker, though. When he thought I had lymphoma, as I said a very low grade, it wouldn't even be treated if I didn't have RA. But a treatment for lymphoma is Rituxan, which is now also used to treat RA. So, theoretically, they would treat the lymphoma with Rituxan, and it would put both into remission. At the time of the biopsy I was hoping that it would show the tissue proof of lymphoma, which is required to be able to treat with Rituxan, so I could get treatment for my RA at the same time. But it was not to be.

So as things stand, the biologics are out. For me, I can't take MTX because it gives me a severe cough, so my rheumy said I allergic to it. I've been on Plaquenil only since January and it hasn't made me feel any better and my inflammation numbers are still high.

Hope I didn't thoroughly confuse you

Good luck with your tests. Please let us know what your results are.

Be well,


Nini, I appreciate your testimony.  How did you find out you had the mass between your pancreas and the adrenal gland?

I thought I forgot something

They did several tests before we got to the biopsy phase. Some were to rule out myeloma. But the mass was seen in my CT scans. They did a CT of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis. That's where they found it.

By the way, doesn't the word ""mass" sound like it should be something really big? My mass was really not that large. Can't remember for sure, but something like 2.5 centimeters. Turned out, it was identified as an adenoma, which is no big deal. It's a small growth on the adrenal gland.

Which protein was abnormal in you labs? Or have they not told you yet? Just ask them what the abnormality indicates, if they haven't told you yet

Good luck! Keep us posted.

Have a good night,



Nini, thanks again for responding.  No I, don't remember which levels were an issue, I should have asked for a copy of the results.  Again, it was rushed situation and it was not until I started researching the test that I became concerned. 

Things like this normally don't bother me but I had an incident 2 years ago where I went septic and they thought I had leukemia.  I spent the week in the hospital where I got a bone marrow biopsy, HIV test, chest xray and a ct-scan of my head because I was getting terrible headaches.  I spiked fevers the entire time I was there and they did blood work almost twice a day.  In the end they never could tell me what happened, the leukemia and other tests came back negative.  They basically chalked it up to an infection probably due to the MTX I was on.  I still feel that they didn't find "something".  So now I always get concerned when tests come back "off".   Meanwhile, I have moved to FL and I told my new dr all of this, so it's not like she's unaware.  

Also, I almost forgot, I had an abnormal liver biospy last year that showed some granulomas, I went to a top liver specialist at the univeristy hosptial in Miami and he basically said it was nothing to worry about.

I have an appt next week because my knee is bothering me, so I will press for a bit more info.


Matthew, Try not to worry. I know that's easy for me to say. But it sounds like you might have one of the blood abnormalities, like I do. I still feel like a lot of my health issues are tied together by the protein abnormality, but that has not been proven. Just a theory of mine

I've also had a couple of bone marrow biopsies. If your new blood tests show something that needs to be explored further, they will probably do another one on you.

Try to remember to ask for copies of all your lab reports. I keep a file of anything that is done. It helps when you have more than one specialist. You can show them what has been done by other doctors and maybe save extra testing.

Good Luck.

Let me know what the doctor says.



Update from my appt:

Well I didn't get to the bloodwork until the end of the appt, and she said all was fine, except my inflammation rate was rather high (no really?).

She got 130ccs of fluid from my knee, she's looking into me getting a sinovectomy (sp) without having to go off the Remicade and I am trying Ultram ER.

Lots happened in a 30 min appt!!

I was also told to take 2 folic acids the day after I take the MTX to help with the side effect.  She said she's from the school that I should still take the one folic acid tablet the day of the mtx, that it does not hinder anything.

Also... sorry I keep missing things (RA fog).... She said the fact that I take the 5mg of Prednisone a day is not that big of a deal, our bodies make 7mg naturally, I never knew that, but I guess that's true since it's a hormone!

Thanks for the update, Matthew.

Glad to hear your labs came out okay.  Hopefully they can get your inflammation under control, so you'll feel better.

Did it make your knee feel better to have all that fluid drained? Also, did she put in cortisone?

Hope you can rest easy for a while.

Have a good week-end!



Did it make your knee feel better to have all that fluid drained? Also, did she put in cortisone?


My knee is sore from the procedure, but it looks normal again!  No, no cortisone, we agreed that it doesn't make a difference.



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