Once a day plaquenil | Arthritis Information


Has anyone decreased their dose of plaq to once a day instead of twice? I
want to cut my dose to 200 a day instead of 200 twice a day. I put in a call
to my doctor. I guess I'll find out if I start having symptoms. Any feedback
from experience? Lori my dose of Placquenil is 400mgs Monday to Friday only, after evening meal.

  I don't really know why the two day break, that's just the way RH. prescribed them.  mmmmm  Something more for me to ask him next month anyway. Kiwilass239286.8512384259Lori - my rheumy just cut me down from twice a day to once a day, and I have read that Plaquenil is regularly reduced if you get stablized on it, which my blood results showed.  I am starting to think this is in a class of drugs (unlike MTX, biologics) that you can go up and down with, not having to worry that once you are taken down or off it, it won't work for you again.  Good luck.  justsaynoemore39287.3686458333

I did not have any symptoms when I cut to one a day ( my own doings) but this is when damage set in.


I had been on Plaquenil for two years and was doing so great that my RD and I decided to try and cut the dosage in half.  Not only did my flares come back, but they were worse than they had ever been.  I truly wished I'd never done that.  It was a HUGE mistake for me.  I felt like I gave the RA and inch and it took a mile.

I tried to go back to the twice daily dosing, but it didn't have the same effect as before.  I also had never had to take pain medication before this.  So now, I've added MTX, pain medication, and back to the twice daily dosing.  I still haven't reached the same effects as before, but I'm hopeful!




kweenb39287.2161226852Hi there, I went down to 200 mg. of Plaquenil about 3 months ago, and added Mobic. I have felt awesome. Very little pain at all, and very little swelling at all. Still get fatigued more than the average person, but feel much better. Good luck,

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