Cracking and popping | Arthritis Information


Ok, another question.I am full of them,pretty much about everything.

I am cracking and popping alot now.Is that RA related?I have no idea,no dx. leaves you asking lots of questions.I hate being in this position.

wishing all less pain, more gain!!



I asked my rheumatologist about the cracking of fingers too which I used to do when I was younger. He dismissed the idea though. I find if my fingers ache, if I pop them they don't hurt so much! I'm not sure whethe this does more damage though

I pop all the time, knees  and hips are awful loud,  but my ankles and shoulders are  'crunchy" sounding..

Yea, me too.  I sound like a bowl of Rice Crispies!

I crack my knuckles alot and it does seem to help a little.  boy, if we were all together in one room, it would be deafening


I was watching a video in the waiting room at the RD's office just last week. It has this recording that plays over and over again in the waiting room. It had a piece about True/False? It discussed this very issue. As your doctors have told you; it doesn't cause arthritis. It's just the air between the joints that pop. Once you pop it it fills back up with fluid and later you can pop it again (sort of like an air bubble in there).

For the record; I think it feels good too. It seem to release some of the pressure or something. Especially in my ankles. I constantly pop my ankles...and fingers too at times.

Cheryl; My mother told me it would cause arthritis and UGLY hand too. Well I have arthritis and UGLY hands...but that's not the cause!! (Or so they tell me anyway)

My mum used to tell me all the time to stop cracking my fingers because it would damage them. I never thought it actually would though. When I asked my rheumatologist if this causes it he laughed at me so I'm causing its all just a myth. Don't half relieve my pain though when I have stiff fingers and hands.