Mtx & remission | Arthritis Information


For anyone interested, I mentioned in my last post a few months back that I was considering stopping mtx because I wasn't sure whether I was doing so well because of it or because my RA was in remission.  Well guess what, I stuck it out until my appt. on Monday and my Dr. directed me, through no encouragement from me, to go off of it and see what happened.   So I'm officially off all meds and feeling great, doing all the things that everyone told me I shouldn't do. 

I haven't been on here in awhile, but to anyone new, keep the faith, take your meds, and continue life to the best of your ability!




Hey, well done Ari.   It's always great to hear that people are doing well off the meds.  Long may it continue for you. Yeah!  I hope you are done with this part of your life. 

That's really great news.  I was supposed to start coming off mine last Friday but wouldn't you know it...I had a flare on Wednesday.  I'm really happy things went well for you and I hope it continues for the rest of your life!!!!


Congratulations!  That's wonderful news.  Keep up the good work.That's wonderful news!!  I hope things stay good for you!!

dordale Nice to hear from you again, ari33. I hope you continue to do well without meds. Good Luck! Please do keep us posted on how you are doing every so often. Wow, congratulations, thats great news I've heard of people being in remission but I thought it meant with drugs, the drugs keeping the arthritis at bay. This is fab though, gives us all hope. Please let us know how you are doing. we are glad you have been able to 'give it a try' without the meds. Lynda


May I add my best wishes for you as you go "med free" and to issue a word of caution.  RA is a formidable disease and has meds to match.  IF...IF...your disease shows signs of flaring, please call your rheumatologist ASAP and get back on meds.  If the disease symptoms take hold, it's hard to manage the runaway inflammation and pain.  (I have done this...altho I went off meds at a dr's suggestion, but when the pain and stiffness started to return, I waited before I found a new rheumatologist who was more concerned with treating the disease than "waiting and seeing" how things would go.

Hopefully you can enjoy a long remission so you can ignore my words of caution!

Best regards

Congratulations! That is wonderful news! I hope it stays in remission for you the rest of your life.


I'll second what Molly Bee said. Keep a close eye on things and just be cautious. The only time I stopped my treatment (against Dr.s advise I must add

Best of Luck!!

Thanks for all the well wishes.  So far, so good - I have had no signs or symptoms to speak of yet and I hope it stays that way.  The Dr. made me promise that if I had even the slightest hint of a return to call him immediately.  I promise, I wouldn't hesitate.  Even with all the anxiety over the potential side effects of mtx, I would take the nasty stuff again.  The benefits far outweigh the risk for me. 

I do hope that each of you find your "magic mix" of therapy/drugs, etc. And even though I know many of you will not agree, I must add (especially for those newly diagnosed) that I truly believe that my strong will and positive attitude had a huge impact on bringing about my remission.  



So glad to hear you are feeling so well! I hope it continues for a long, long time. It's encouraging to know it is possible.

Stay well!

