It’s Me Again.... | Arthritis Information


Hello Everyone!

First things first... cleaning the house almost killed me!

It was a crappy Friday, hubby called me a "Sorry ass!", because I did not hear him tell me to get a pot of rice ready to cook for dinner that night, and it really hurt my feelings. I honestly did not hear him tell me to make him some rice. Alls I heard was mashed potatoes, which I done and burned myself. Yes, the mashed potatoes attacked me!

So, later that night we started back to cleaning house, and I went to clean the kitchen... after looking at the dirty floor, that looked like it had not been mopped in years... I decided to mop. I about died from pain, swelling, and stiffness! My face was sooooo red from all the pain I looked like I was sunburned! I tried to work thru the pain and problems just because I was trying to show hubby that I am not a "sorry ass".  It took him a while to catch on to why I was crying and all red faced and all. He then said "I thought you decided against mopping? You germapobic freak." I told him that it just did not look clean and it felt I needed to mop it. He watched me mop and kept telling me to stop and go take a shower and rest. I told him no I did not want to be a "sorry ass". Then he caught on and made me stop, and said I was not a "sorry ass".

Yeah... for all of that my left ankle swelled BIG TIME and it felt broke and I could barely walk on it and all I could do was cry.

He did finish up the house, him and daughter.

The next day I done most of the stuff for the party... setting it up and cooking the hot dogs and fetching towels. I just tried to stay in the house as much as I could because it was HOT outside.

I did go swimming in the pool. The water was 84 degrees. It made my right hip hurt, my feet hurt and my toes and fingers hurt. But I stayed in the pool for close to an hour. I was soo hot, I just had to get in the pool.

SInce Saturday... I have been just mooping about. A couple of things happened this week, that kinda bummed me out.

I did get my Humira FINALLY Prior Authorized thru medicaid! Now my Humira co-pay will be , instead of . YAY!! I already owe damn CareMark 0 from the last 2 shipments I got from them. They are getting paid tomorrow.

Oh hubbies health insurance went up at work. Now for Family coverage it is 5 every 2 weeks. When he first started there, 2 years ago, it was every 2 weeks. And highest tier of co-pay for meds is , it use to be , and before that it was .

Soooo glad I got my Humira PAed, now I will not have to worry about coming up with every month, was already hard enough to come by!

Well... that was the highlights of what has been up with me.

I am still taking the Robaxin and it still makes me sleepy and all I want to do is sleep.

Hope everything has been good for everyone. (((((hugs))))) (((((hugs))))) (((((hugs))))) (((((hugs)))))

You really needed a bunch o hugs!!

Good to see you back on deck Joonie.  

Thanks Guys

Glad to be back! Now if my new RD appt would just get here a little sooner, I think I might have some of my problems resolved.

I believe I am getting depressed again. Nothing my kids say or do is funny anymore and hubby is not funny anymore and he grates on my nerves more than usual. I am thinking negative about everything.

Like I was watching a infommercial and all I could think of was that the sticky adhesive on the back that holds the thing up would loose its sticky and the item would fall down and when you went to turn it on when you needed it most you would just be stuck in the dark hunting for the "fake" light bulb. I forget what the name of the item was, but it was a batter operated light bulb

My shoulder blades are on fire again. I have not took my Robaxin any today (tues). I have been "busy". I was putting together a lego castle that we got at the thrift store for . It took me 6 hours to get it together. My hands do not work well with Legos it looks like. Just depressing, that Legos kicked my ass. Washing clothes kicks my ass. Mopping kicks my ass. I just wish I could find one thing that does not give me trouble and does not hurt me. There was something else that kicked my ass, that I thought was just down right pitiful. I think it even out done Legos kicking my ass... not sure. If I remember what it was I will post it.

Hi Joonie, glad to see you survived the party. Sorry to hear you are feeling so down, maybe its a combination of things and a major flare could be on the cards from doing too much. Take things easy, get lots of rest and tell that " sorry ass" hubby

Take care, thinking of you.

If you want to know the sad truth, Lego's used to always kick my ass too.  And that was years before I got RA.  I could never figure the more complicated ones out, even with the diagram!.  And those stupid 5 year old son could whip them from ships to robots in no time and I would stand there looking on in awe and amazement.  At least your smart enough to do them so don't feel too bad.  And about the rice.....who eats rice AND mashed potatoes at the same meal?  No one would be expecting a request like that.

Did your daughter have fun at the party?  I'll bet she thought it was the best birthday ever...they always do!

I sure hope your feeling better soon, and at least now your house is clean, the party is over and you can relax.

I predicted you were maybe comatose! Bless your heart. Men say we are ball busters, but they can say the harshest things w/out batting an eye or even realizing how those words can cut. And women don't let stuff go as easily as men either. I bet your daughter was a happy camper for having such a fun pool party. That's got to make you feel good.

Bummer the pool didn't help you. I swim almost everyday for relief. It straightens out my spine and helps to relax all my stiff joints and muscles. Maybe cuz you were so wound up, nothing would have helped at that point. I love to "float" and watch the clouds, birds and planes go by.

Rest and recover girl. We're thinking of you and sending good juju your way.


Lots of rest, Joonie!

Sending happy thoughts your way along with air hugs,


Stay cool Joonie better days to come - less pain, we have to keep our sunny side up  lol  (ya gotta love the man)

Melanie love your avatar.......reminds me of when my kids were young they would say "I'm going around in circus"  (meaning circles)


Have a happy day Joonie!!!

Daughter had a great time! Party started at 3pm and the last kid left around 6pm. They stayed in the pool 3/4 of the time. She actually made out like a bandit... she got over 0, and not many presents, most was money. We let her have to spend on whatever she wanted, to buy some of her school uniforms she needs for school in a couple of weeks, and she is saving up a couple more dollars for when we take her to the mall to go ice skating at the ice rink in the mall. She wanted us to pay for her to go ice skating and drive her 60+ miles to get to go ice skating... I told her no... she either pays for the ice skating or for the gas to get to the mall. Her daddy advised her to pay for ice skating

The party went soo smooth. I mean.... I do not remember her parties going this easy ever. It was weird. I guess it was because I done most of the work, and tended to everything except the swimming kids.

Thanks for asking

I bet your girl will remember how hard you worked to give her that party. 

I think you should give that pool a 2nd chance. 84 is cool but water exercise is just the best for RA. I think all the hard work and stress of the party is what did you in not the cool pool.


yeah, I thought about going swimming again to see if it still had the same affect on me as it did last year. That is why I got in it Saturday, but like ya said it could have been from stressing and all that made me hurt. I will probably try again this weekend. I have to wait for when hubby is home to help me get out of the pool. I had a hard time getting out of the pool Saturday. It was like my legs were not strong enough to walk up the steps of the pool. I go to the second step and had to ask for help to get me out.

I am hoping that the new RD, I am seeing Aug 21st, will RX me hydrotherapy. Only thing is... I will have to find someone to watch my kids and take me and pick up so I can go.

So glad the party was a success for you and your daughter! 

You said you were a little depressed and no wonder your worn out. Try to rest as much as you can. I feel so bad for you young mothers with this awful stuff. You all deserve a medal and its amazing to read how hard you all work at giving your children a "normal" childhood

Get back to feeling good soon i miss your crazy and funny antics

