!!OT!! Kidney questions | Arthritis Information


Oh man.  I really think I have a kidney infection.  My back hurts right there soooooo much.  I am sooooo uncomfy even with pain meds on board.  Can you have a kidney infection and not have pain and buring when you urinate?  Can you just have the backache?  I am not going to the bathroom anymore frequently than normal either. I drink so much water that I am surprised I might have a kidney infection.  However, I have heard that being on humira can make you more susceptible to them.  Anyone else heard of this? 

I really apologize to the new people here.  Sorry I have not said hi and welcomed you in your posts.  So hi and welcome!  I am also sorry I haven't answered many posts from everyone. I just can't sit here for vey long.  I can't even lie down for very long either!!  UGH THIS BITES!!!! 

Guess I need to call the doc in the morning and go in and find out if I have one.  Just great...wonder if I will have to skip my mtx this week.  UGH!!!  At least I got all my catch up housework done from when I was feeling rotten before feeling rotten again.  The house looks great for once lol.  Those darn kids and that darn hubby better keep it that way too!!  Heads are gonna roll if they don't!!!  Mebbe I better take pics of it.  I'm sure the pics of my clean house will last longer than the clean house lol. 

Hey gramma, yes, you can have a kidney infection without any burning
during urination. Some of the key symptoms of Kidney infection is the back
pain, flank pain, night sweats, flu like feeling, fever, headache, low urine out
put. I have had a couple of these in my life and I was never more miserable
as it seems to affect all systems. Get in and get this treated as urosepsis is
very serious. Burning during urination is more likely to happen with a
bladder infection. Lately every now and then I get back pain like I have a kidney infection, but
it never lasts more than a day. I get so many things going on between the
RA and the different meds, not to mention herxes, that I just don't woryy
about anything unless it's persistant.Sorry, I don't know much about this, but just wanted to send you some hugs Hope you get it sorted really soon.

sorry, you are feeling crappy again. Seems like we are always joining that "club".

I get spasms in what feels like my kidney on my right side does every night when I lay down while trying to go to sleep. My back also seems to hurt where my kidneys should be. But they kept telling me I did not have kidney infections, but bladder infections.

I am really starting to feel I have something wrong with my righ kidney. I am thinking it is not suppose to twitch. I mean... that is just me... thinking me kidney is not suppose to twitch while I am trying to sleep, but my right kidney seems to think otherwise.

Yeah, when I had all those bladder infections I did not even know I had them. Until they hit me hard, which was double over pain, that made me feel like my utherus was being stuck with my IUD and a possible miscarriage. It was that BAD! I mean... it probably was not the same pain you would have had with a miscarriage, but man... it was almost like contracts for going into labor. It was horrendous! I had no pain while urinating, no burning, not much of nothing... until it would double me over and lay me up in the bed with a heating pad for days.

I hope everything is well with your kidneys, and that it is just a pesky infection, and nothing worse.

Yes yes yes ma'am you sure can have an infection. That's exactly what was wrong with me when I was about 7. They were seconds away from sticking me in a bed and zipping me into surgery for my apendix when the labs came back. Ding ding ding, Kidney infection! I was in so much pain that I remember it to this day. While riding in the back seat of the car, when mom would turn a corner I would CRY. :(


GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! I love you!

You must definetly go see the doc. I have had so many kidney infections over the years and it doesnt always come with burning urine. Back pain around the kidneys can be a sign and nausea, stomach pain and feeling generally unwell and lethargic ( a bit like RA Symptoms) You need to get it checked as it only gets worse.

LET US KNOW HOW YOU GO. Hi GM, Oh dang, a kidney infection does not go away by itself, and drinking water is good but won't cure it. Please do get to the doc. I know what you mean about missing the mtx, but I guess it can't be helped. take care, Lynda (can't sleep and it is 3:42 AM, a bother as I'll be tired today).....

I haven't had a kidney infection since I was a kid so I really can't remember. I have had numerous bladder infections while on Humira and my only symptoms was back pain. Definately get to the Dr. They can be serious.

Keep us in the loop. Hope you feel better soon!


 AWWW I'm sorry you feel so rotten Gramma but please do go on the Dr. I've never had a kidney infection but you sure do sound like you have one. Maybe a kidney stone, I've heard they're bad too. Hope you feel better real soon. you're sense of humor really amazes me


GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! Ok, done shouting.

Lots of airhugs and get well soon!


Just came back from the doctor and I am the proud of owner of yet another UTI! 

Thanks to everyone for their kind words that I feel better soon.  I am really run down and wiped out from this.

Love ya lady!


Macrobid always does the trick for when I get UTI. I usually feel better after the first week. I have not had a UTI in 3 years... just darn ole bladder infections. Not sure which I would take over the other, the scales are about equal.

Hope the macrobid does ya some good, and here is to getting out of the "club"!

Awww, sorry you're not feeling well GS! Go rest!

That's interesting though....in the last 9 months, I've had 2 UTI....but my only "symptom" was what I referred to as "bladder pain." But I was also totally fatigued...probably from the RA & the UTI? Hmmmm, interesting...


 What is the difference in a UTI and a bladder infection? I thought they were the same thing. Is that what my OBGYN calls "honeymooners disease" Then no wonder Gramma has it 

 Gramma needs to change her name form Gramma to "Hot Mama"

I think UTI, is where it starts out as a bladder infection and then infects the kidneys. So you actually have a bladder and kidney infection at the same time.

I could be wrong, but I think that is what I read when, Shannon aka klesaysmommy had one and when I thought that I had a kidney infection. My syptoms were between kidney and bladder infection. They just kept telling me it was a bladder infection.

Hi all,
UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection which is an unspecified infection that could be in the Kidneys, Ureters, bladder or urethra.  Bladder infection is more specific as it refers to that organ. 

Moana, I have seen dr. write "honeymoon cystitis" which really means a bladder infection caused my lots of sex
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