Research dollars | Arthritis Information


Here was an interesting article on just how many federal research dollars go to RA research vs. a few other chronic illnesses. rch-remains-underfunded/


26 bucks per patient??? WHAT??? This is unbelievable. No wonder this
disease seems hopeless at times. What a shame.

Good morning,

This amount of per patient clearly shows that RA isn't taken as a serious health issue like some other medical problems.  I think that's too bad because obviously it affects a lot of people. 

I think it's because we don't have a cute kid as a spokesperson like MDA.  Not kidding here; this is predominantly a womans disease, and old women at that.  OK, enough politics

Did anybody notice who was running the show - it's O'Dell for the O'Dell Minocycline studies.  Also, did anybody notice anything in the grant recipients?  One is

David M. Lee, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
IgG Glycosylation and Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is the delayed onset food allergy stuff Karin has been talking about.

And did anybody notice that

Harold E. Paulus, MD
Professor Emeritus
University of California - Los Angeles
Joint MRI to Validate Clinical Remission Criteria in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

was involved.  Isn't this the bigwig that did the report to the ACR on the finished MIRA trials that changed the world!  (OK, only my world)

