RA and West Nile virus | Arthritis Information


PHEWW!  I just finished a report on West Nile virus for my biostatistics and epidemiology class.  What an eye opener.  Every where I looked for research had warnings regarding immunosuppresed individuals and the dangers of West Nile virus. There was specific references on several sites to RA. 

Most people who do get infected may only experience West Nile fever, but it may become worse and become meningitis or encephalitis.  This is what leads to the fatalities. 

We are going to lake Couer d'Alene in Idaho this weekend and last year Idaho had 996 reported cases and 21 fatalities, the highest  in the nation.  Yikes, I am going to wear long sleeves, keep inside at dawn and dusk and spray on a lot of DEET! 


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