Pneumonia -RA connection? | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

How many people have had pneumonia prior to being dxed with RA?

How many have had a bad flare after pneumonia?

I had pneumonia prior to being diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. After the operation I've had a heck of a time getting rid of the old 'RA' symptoms (bad feet / hands and fingers really stiff) I talked to my doc and asked 'would you treat me differently if you thought the pneumonia added to my problems' he sorta said, no. But, I think he is thinking about it as he said, "something caused your immune system to go haywire" ...I'm wondering if I should have been(or should be) on the anti-biotic type of treatment? Lynda

No pneumonia for me, but I had strep throat pretty much every year as a child/teen and I've heard that could be some sort of connection for me.

Hey Lynda,

I did not have pneumonia before the flare that sent me to the doc. Luckily, I haven't been sick really. While I was prego I did have a sinus infection, but I refused to take the meds. I hate taking drugs and now I'm a walking medicine cabinet. I have had pneumonia both before and after dx. 

The researchers and the docs are leaning towards that we get an infection...our immune systems go haywire...the infection settles in our joints etc. and we end up with RA.  With that said, I really do feel there is a solid base for AP therapy.  Please keep in mind that like any other treatment option out there, it doesn't always work for everyone.  Pip! is a good person to ask questions to about AP therapy. is another good place to go and research AP therapy and find a physician near you that does do AP therapy. 

My infection trigger was actually an abcessed tooth - but I too had multiple bouts of strep (tested positive) and walking pneumonia (tested negative).  That being said - the pneumonia came back as a massive herx about 6 months into AP.  Hmmmm.

Thanks Gramma, again.


P.S.  I'm just Pip.  When I started on AI the form said I had to have at least 4 letters in my 'handle'.  I couldn't figure out what else to do and now I see some people have less.  How do I get rid of the !

I like the "!"

I was diagnosed with pneumonia prior to RA diagnosis.  Had several bouts of pneumonia in years post diagnosis.  Lindy


I had pneumonia before my RA started.  I've never had it since then.

I was diagnosed with PA soon after having pnuemonia and strep. but i am thinking that my immune system was low unable to fight off infections because it was already busy attacking my joints.


I had pneumonia in January of the year I began having symptoms. It was the
first time I have ever had it, and haven't had it since. I think that's what set
the ball in motion for me.Walking pneumonia a few years ago, and a VERY absessed tooth a few months ago. Also, a severe sinus infection a few months ago. Just found out today that RD says I have either RA or Lupus.   I like Pip! too, but I'll probably like you as much if you're plain Pip, as well!




I don't suppose your salivary glands went off before the RA symptoms kicked in?


Hey Pip!, good job. Lynda

Infection was not a trigger for me...can't think of anything.  However, I was experiencing a period of extreme stress before the RA started...due to my son's serious chronic illness.  It was a real nightmare, so I think stress can be a trigger too.  Although I believe that some RA cases are at least triggered by infections, I don't think all cases are infection my humble opinion.



I KNOW stress was a factor for me, one of my big 3.  Dr. Brown said in the New Arthritis Breakthrough by Henry Scammell that most of the infections were something people had chronically in childhood.  I was dealing w/ an abscessed tooth and stress - but I tested positive for strep (had it every winter as a child). 

What little I know of biology I've learned since becoming ill.  I do know that every infection we've every had is stored in our cells.  It's how our bodies knows not to react to flu A - because you've already had flu A.  But it doesn't have enough info to not react to flu B because that flu B is different enough from flu A so the body goes 'Invader' and tries to kill it off. 

We are learning so much more than even a decade ago - things like memory cells, stem cells, etc.

What I can't understand is what the 'limit' is - to me it appears that there is some threshold that gets crossed for a multitude of reasons.  Recent infection, diet, inability to sleep (and thereby heal), stress etc.  It just seems to me that if you can 'rewind' enough to enable the body to rebuild your immune system; then in theory, you can go into a 'permanent remission'.

That's one of the reasons I love AP - I could feel the disease rewinding almost in the exact order I became ill.  I'd heard of that happening to others but thought it was 'group think'.  When the herxes became more manageable and less painful I too, saw the pattern.

So where do I go from here?


Pip, interesting stuff, I learn more and more everyday here :)


I suffered bad bouts of tonsilitis as a child ( every 2-3 months) and eventually had them out. I was quite ill with a stomach virus after the operation and suffered with swollen finger joints until I was about 18. It then went away and i got tick bite fever when i was pregnant with my 2nd child. I suffered with fatigue a lot afterwards and knee and foot pains.

Pip I am seeing a new Rheumy soon and will be discussing AP Therapy with him as all the other meds arent good for me at all.

Yeah!  When you get close to the appointment, see if you can do a search back here on AI as Michele posted about how to approach a MD for AP and I gave a lot of suggestions.  If not, PM me and I'll type up another 'suggestion' list for you. 

But I am really concerned about the tick bite.  Please do me a favor and Google Lyme Disease.  AP will work with Lyme, but you may need combo ABX.  They call Lyme the "Great Imitator". 

Have to run - I have to find an article for you but need to get out the door NOW!



P.S  Also only good test is Igenex so the posts I've read say.
