Joined a gym!? | Arthritis Information


Well, it's the wellness center connected to our hospital. They have a heated pool, which is what struck my interest in the first place. As much as I didn't want to put my nasty body in a swimsuit, I figured the pool would be good for my joints. It's great though because they do up a workout for you, based on "you." So I do the treadmil, bike, and some of the weight machines. Very minimal weight...they're also going to do up a water workout for me. I still may join the water aroebics (SP?) class too, we'll see. But so far I'm doing ok. My ankles gave me some trouble, but only for a day---I've been going about every other day and that seems to be working ok for now. So crossing my fingers I continue to do well!

Thanks for the info about the wellness center.  I have considered that also.  What type of price does something like that cost?  Is it a monthly fee or just pay as you go for classes.  I'm sure my insurance wouldn't cover it.


Hi Amylynn, Oh thta sounds perfect. We have water exercises at our local college pool, but I"ve never signed up for them. I should. I just try to keep up with the golf and a few gentle PACE , people with Arthritis can exercise group. I'm feeling kinda creeky right now, and should be moving around. Lynda

Thanks, I really think it's going to be good for me.

Flamingo-   As far as cost--we went with the family memebership because my 13yr old loves working out, and my husband is even going to go. (his main activity usually involves eating pizza, lol

Lynda- You should try it!! I've done water aroebics before and while you're in the water you don't feel any pain or strain..but when you get out, you can feel you've had a work out.

Amylynn that sounds awesome!!! 

Here are a couple of articles on exercise from my AF online newsletter. mpaignId=E07G2X1MYZZ021031982 ignId=E07G2X1MYZZ021031982 X1MYZZ021031982




Thanks for the articles GS!

"biceps curl, triceps pushdown, chest press, seated row, leg press, leg extension, leg curl " These are exactly what they have me doing...along with a couple other ones.   There's this 1/2 ball thing ( Bonsi ball?) that I'm "supposed" to balance on while holding a little 4lb ball...yeah, that doesn't work so well. I'll only do that if my daughter (or hubby) are with me to catch me if I fall, LOL!


