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What hurts big time about RA is not being able to hold my husband's hand. Sometimes I just have to lay my hand on top of his. (Can't have his on the top of mine cause the pressure hurts.) It makes me sad...

So we just make out instead!!

We never make out anymore....unless I'm "up to" more.....which isn't very often! I rest my hand on my husbands too.  Or if we are out walking around it is arms around each other if I can't hold his hand.  we use pillows to help with comfort for snuggling and sex.  Foam wedges that you can get at a medical supply store and I think even walmart help too. 

My husband and I are big time snugglers and manage to find a way to still do that.  As far as sex goes...I try to rest up a couple of days a week and on the weekends so I have the energy for sex.  I can't go very long without that special bonding with him. 

The sex part usually comes after the muscle relaxers and pain killers kick in on days where the baby has been easy and I didn't do any housework.

I saw those wedges at Sears Grand! I can't remember what they called them, but I cracked up and told him those were straight up sex pillows! hahaha!

Oh NO! Do not get Grammaskittles started on S-E-X (spelling it out so she does not hear it

I was never much into holding hands, my hands have always been a problem for me and things got worse afer I fractured my right wrist when I was 14(?).

I will hold hubbies hand on good days, while we are on a long drive. He usually initates the hand holding. I remember for a couple of months there, he wanted to hold my hand everytime we got in the car. He is not much of a hand holder, but he did for a couple of months last year. It hurt, but I sucked up the pain. I mean not like him to hold hands with me, we did not even hold hands when we were dating. NOt much hand holding these last months or so.


Holding hands has always been a big deal so it was a hard lump to swallow. Some days I try to ignore the pain and hold his hand anyways. I know there will probably be a day when I can't do it at all, so I'm getting in as much as I can now! I think arm in arm is a nice alternative. I do that alot with hubby now, and then just lay my head on his arm to "snuggle" him.

He was always big with hand holding, it has always hurt me to a degree.
Hi, well aren't you all the lucky ones! I think hand holding would be lovely. My husband isn't a hand holder, I think it would be sweet, but then I'd a had to give it up. Oh dear....the things we do with this disease....what a bother. Lynda
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