Just checking in | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone, its very quiet on here, it must be the summer holidays. I hope everyone is ok and the kids being on school holidays isnt exhausting you. We go away in 2 weeks and i cant wait but we have had terrible flooding in some areas that it has ruined so many homes and bussiness's.

I am still on No Meds and am feeling it quite a bit, i woke up this morning and turned my neck too quick which resulted in ripping a muscle and a trip to ER. As  i cant take anti inflamatories I have been on heat and ice packs all day and strong pain relief, teach me to think i am a teenager

Take care everyone and welcome to the newbies


Owie!!!!!!!!!!!! necks are the WORST, a'int they???

We have been busy with work, we did some extra days so that we can leave for the concert tonight. I don't go back to work until Sunday! Woohoo! I've been doing some last minute chores here and there before we leave, amidst dying my hair - AGAIN. You can't see it in the pictures I posted, but my every so slightly incompetent buddy missed more than a few spots. *sigh* soooooo I'm sitting here with my hair up, about to empty out all the trashes and do the dishes. JOY!

Pin, I was thinking about you and our other British friends, when I saw the picture in the newspaper  of the flooding there. Is it in your area? Hope you and yours are okay.

Have a great vacation. I hope you have no weather troubles and have a wonderful time.

Katie, Have a great time at the concert and be careful.

Look forward to everyone's reports on their fun outings.

Hugs to all,


I've been planning and running errands for my daughter's 2 yr old birthday party.  I can't believe she's already 2.  Seems like I just had her.  Does the time fly this quickly for their whole lives? 


Steph...YES!!  In fact it starts going faster the older they get.  Enjoy every minute because it's over sooner than you think.  My two boys are grown and gone already and they were just born YESTERDAY!.  That's how fast it goes.


Lisa, we've been seeing a lot about the dreadful flooding here on our news bulletins.  It's a terrible time.  Not a nice way to spend the summer break.  What a heartbreak and massive clean-up it's going to be.
My heart goes out to all those involved and their families.

Sorry about the muscle things, and hope you get some relief quick smart.
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