Bone Scan Friday | Arthritis Information


Hey guys,

I saw my Rheumy on Mon. After having the cellulitis around the eye a few
weeks ago, I am concered with the Remicade. I know that infections are a
side effect but this was a serious infection. I typed up a letter explaining
how I am feeling RA wise and how I feel about the meds. So, he ran more
labs and did x-rays and said he would call. Well, he called today and
wants me to come back on Friday morning since he forgot a lab. He is
going to give me a cortisone shot in my shoulder. Then he wants me to
go and get a bone scan. My question is, do you get to see the results that

Hopefully, after getting this done we can come up with a new plan. I am
glad that he is listening to me.


I've never received my results the same day. I've had two bone scans and got the results on both of them the following day. Glad to hear your RD is listening though!

Do you get to see the pictures while they do it? I have had bone density
tests done but never a scan. I had a bone scan wjile my rheumy was diagnosing me. When I went, I got to
see the pictures after they were taken. They popped up on the computer
screen. It was really cool to see my whole skeleton. My rheumy got the
pictures the same day.


Just wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing.  How'd the bone scan go?

Peace & Love...Neasy

Crazy day! I dropped my son off at my friends house. She has three boys
of her own, all under 11. So obviously my 3yr. old was in heaven. Off to
the RD's office for an 8:30 appointment. I thought it was going to be a
quick shot in the shoulder and then out. He took the time to look over my
labs from earlier and examined every joint again. I really want to change
my treatment plan and he is taking me seriously. He wasn't happy with
where my shoulder hurt. It's right at the top of the joint. It seems that
usually occurs in older patients. Whatever. Anyway, he gave me a shot
and sent me downstairs. He forgot to order an ANA earlier so I had to go
to the lab. Now this is the 3rd stick I have had this week. And they can
only ever get a vein on my left arm. It looks like it has been beaten with a
baseball bat. AFter that I had to go across the street to the hospital. There
I got injected with the dye. I was instructed to come back in three hours.
In the meantime, I was told to drink as much liquid as possible.

When I got back I just had to lay on the table. It is kinda wierd. The part
that takes the pictures get right over you--like cm away . It just moves
really slowly from one end to the other. I couldn't see the screen for the
full body scan. The RD also wanted an additional one of my hands. This I
could see on the screen. Both my wrists were glowing. I am curious what
the rest of the scan shows. The RD said that he would call by Tues. He
knows that I go back to work in two weeks. Summer is too short.

Of the bloodwork that was drawn earlier the RF factor is still negative but
the Anti-CCP was postive. I feel like I have just hit a wall with this disease.
I was a teenageer when diagnosed and I feel that after years of successful
treatment I have now gotten stuck in a rut. I can't get another staph
infection-that was too scary. But, if the full body is anything like the hand
scan, I don't think I will be dropping any meds.

I do give my Dr. credit for working with me on this. He offered to send me
up to UVA to discuss other options or studies. But, this guy teaches at
UVA so I can probably trust him. If he says the RA is active, I guess it is
active. I think I have been in denial that further joint damage was
occuring. I know my eyes have been horrible as you all know but I guess I
figured the joints were under control. Hmmm, it would seem not! I guess I
just wait and see what he says next week.



Hi Rebecca,

Sorry to hear you are having so many problems.  Sounds like your rd is really on top of things.  I hope he can get you back on course soon.

I have not had a bone scan but I did have someone suggest I get one too.  I am also anti-ccp positive.  Don't quite understand what that means, although I should by now!

Hope you have a good, restful weekend. 
