Plaquenil and Zoom Whitening | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had any experience with ZoomTooth Whitening when taking Plaquenil? I know that Plaquenil is a photosensitive med and we can't find any info on the two subjects together. Appointment is Monday and since I have been on Plaq with no problems now for 12 years I can't see where it would be a photo problem, but would love some info if anyone has had it done.  Only thing I know left to do is call the drug manufacturer but I hate to do that as they usually don't say much exept talk to your doc. My dentist has never had anyone on Plaquenil to get it done.I never thought of that and am planning whitening myself sometime this fall. Please let me know what you find out!

The dentist called today and everything is okay for the Zoom whitening. We really reserached this one.  I also spoke with my pharmacist and she coudln't find anything that should cause any isuues form her literature. I will let you know if I like the results. THe only thing I fear is tooth sensitivity issues, but I would rather get it over with in one treament than to spread it out with the bleaching trays.



Actually I just found out it wasn't the dentist office that okay'ed the plaquenil  - it was another doc I had a call in to. I have decided to use the bleaching trays instead since Plaquenil has photosensitivity issues. Better safe than sorry!

Cheesehead -    I started the bleaching using the trays that the detntist made me and the results are great! I had a blepharoplasty last week so that has kept me home and I have found that using the trays are easier for me during the day than at night ( they annoy me while I try to sleep). But not being able to eat or drink while tooth whitening annoys me also, but it seems to be the lesser of the two inconveniences.




I'm thinking of getting my teeth whiten as well. I'm on metho and plaqunill, what worked for you??? I mean what works the best???

I don't have a lot of discoloration, so I started using the new Listerine Whitening strips that dissolve - if you just want a quick white, and you don't need A LOT of whitening I think it's perfect. I stick 'em on before I leave for work and when I get there, they're gone! I have used and still use something called Simply Smile.  I get it from QVC.  I brush my teeth with it daily and it whitens.  It was invented by a dentist--the dentist who invented bonding.  I had Zoom a few years ago and I had trays to touch them up.  The dentist charged so much for the solution and my teeth bleed when I did the whitening around the same time I take my Mthx.  My teeth do not bleed with this stuff and the dentist has remarked several times on how nice my teeth look.  If they get sensitive from the tooth paste, stop it for a short time and use regular tooth paste.  Much cheaper than Zoom.  Simply Smile consists of a bleaching solution and a toothpaste.  Brush for two mintes.  You can get it on auto-delivery every 3 months.  About  every 3 months.  Katie I just saw the commercial for those Listerine ones tonight. I'm thinking about getting some of those myself. I've used some kind before though and my teeth seemed to be very sensative to it. It was kind of uncomfortable. Are they all like that or is that just a problem I've experienced? Wonder if it could just have been the type?Have you ever used the Listerine Breath Strips that disolve in your mouth? They're almost identical. They just stick on your teeth, and they kinda bubble. The first 3 times or so that I did it, it was weird and I was a little uncomfortable, but mostly just because I'm OCD about my mouth. Now I don't even notice them when I have them on.

I actually belong to and I got them for free, just so that I could try them and give the company feed back. They sent me some coupons for off, if anyone's interested I'd be more than happy to pop a few in the mail for you! I'll NEVER use all 10-15 of them in time, they expire in December.
I have tried several different over the counter products, but nothing has worked nearly as well as the dental bleach and custom trays. Pop them in at night and take out in the AM. I also was given a treament to use afterwards to cut down on sensitivitiy. My teeth are very sensitive so it helps so much. They are very white just after five applications -  I was only wearing them during the day for four hours at a time, but found out if I only put in one instead of both of them at night it doesn't bother me and I get more bleaching time in.Les13139309.8765162037