I don’t know what I’ve done | Arthritis Information


I don't know if I'm having a flare or I've just done something stupid today. (I was holding the baby over my head.)

My shoulder is killing me - the pain is excruciating! I've tried to sleep and managed about an hour or so. I've come to the front room and taken my flexeril and vicodin. I hope it eases the pain. It hurts near my shoulder and the pain shoots down my arm towards my finger tips. My hand feels like it is going numb!! What the dealy-o???!

Have any of you experienced pain this? And if so, what did you do to remedy it? It is going to make for an extremely long day with baby while hubby is at work if I cannot get it under control.

Thanks, everyone.

Oh, dearie, you are so having a rough week.

Everything you are feeling is normal...for us, lol. The pain changes, it moves, you can have just about every kind of pain imaginable. RA pain is not just one thing. Numbness is very normal in hands and feet. My hands go numb on the phone or typing all the time.

Sometimes keeping it simple is good. If you have some kind of hot pack or hot water bottle it may help. Sit or lie for at least half an hour with it on the trigger point...baby permitting, of course. This is when you need that swing, Melanie, lol.

After that try moving it a bit and see if it feels better or worse. Movement can help a lot sometimes. We have to listen to our instincts with this disease...often the options are rest or move. Only our instincts can tell us which is needed. Keep calm and listen to yourself. I am suggesting movement after heat as you don't really have the option of major rest with Joshua.

Most importantly, keep yourself calm. Breathe deeply, this is exactly the situation where learning how to meditate comes in real handy. We tend to panic when our body starts to do weird stuff. Nothing you are experiencing is out of the normal realms of RA.

If this has moved or shifted in a few hours...maybe call your doctor but I would bet it is simply a trigger pain.

Let go of expectations on yourself too, you can only do what you can do. If the only thing you manage to do today is look after Joshua and yourself. That is still an achievement.

Let us know how you are later.

Hi, yes I know what you are saying about 'doing something' that agrivates the joints. I took a yoga class and everytime I got out of ther 'something' would hurt the next day. We never know what is lurking to cause us pain! I quit the class. Even my gentle little exercise class caused me pain one day when the instructor said 'now stretch really high', WELL, my left side was sore for a week. I did get past it , but no fun.

I hope you feel better today (it is 2 am, and I can't sleep, my husbands been up all night with the colonostopy tomorrow.


Sounds like what I'm going through right now -- and dr determined it was torn tendon (not a complete rupture).  It's more than a month now and I'm still having numbness in my arms and hands.  I go back to doc on 31st thank goodness.
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