Good non-perscription pain reliever | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have a good non-prescription pain reliever they can suggest for me? I know I'm supposed to stay away from motrin,advil, ect, but extra strenght tylenol isn't cutting it. I've never been a tylenol person. Is there anything else I can take? Have you tried Aleve?  That usually works for me.can you take good old fashioned asprinI have been using Aleve but, if it stops working I'll ask for something
stronger. I have been lucky with the Aleve so far.

Caprice and all -

Please be very careful with the Aleve - if you read the bottle you'll see you're not supposed to take more than 2 Aleve a day.  Like who does that?  Read the bottle, I mean.  I think my neuropaty was from the Aleve because I was popping it like asprin.

Have you tried Salsalate?  It's asprin without the stomach irritating part in it.  It's perscription.


Aleve is OTC Naproxin and you can't take over 1000mg of either. I think it's also reduces inflamation. I use it when I can't ignore how I feel anymore. But I can't take it for too many days before I also have to take Prilosec. When I was taking 1000mg Naproxin during a flare I had to take Prilosec everyday.My RD just told me yesterday that I can take 1500 mg of my Naproxen but NEVER MORE than that. She said do not do it on a reg basis tho.
My norm is 500mg 2 x's a day. I add a third one at noonish ONLY if it feels like the am did nothing for my pain.
I try to stay away from ALEVE. It gave my grandmother stomach ulcers. It also says not to take it and lay down. I normally take something before going to bed so. ..

All these doctors are so different it always amazes me!

I found something that helped me tremendously. Its called MonaVie - a blend of 19 fruits full of antioxidants, phytonutrients and other stuff. I got it from a woman at It worked great for me, let me know if you have the same results. Also, check out the web site, very helpful, gives testimonials from may others that have been using Monavie.