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I have ra/osteo recently had my knees replaced which was a great help but due to the fact i had kidney cancer 3 years ago my meds have now damaged the function of my remaining kidney so they have taken me off all my meds any suggestions for maybe some sort of alternative meds which might help with stiffness and mobility now i cant take anti inflamm or steroid meds. heres hoping.

Hey Janet -

Not sure what you man by 'alternative'. 

If you mean diet - try Googling "anti-inflammatory diet" and seeing what pops up.  I know many people who've done major improvement in pain and inflammation by diet.  Many people report the Gluten Free diet has shown them it works within 2 weeks.  Others report that a modified Atkins type diet did the trick.  Unfortunately, its something you have to experiment with - removing foods from your diet and then adding it back in.  But it can be done.

Also, you might look into antibiotics as a treatment of RA.  Try  With the one kidney you'll definitely need a doc to monitor you and it will be a slow process as you don't want to overwhelm the remaining kidney with the toxins from the die off of the microbes. 

I'm sure somebody else will jump in with suggestions. 



P.S.  Cordelia is right, I do have a friend doing it with herbs.  PM me and I can send you her contact info.  Again, you have to be careful, a lot of this stuff is natural antimicrobials and you don't want to overwhelm the other kidney.  You'd need a naturopath for this.

Glad I was right Pip...thought it was you who had mentioned it but I read so many post per day, I then wondered, lol. Some have found needed relief with acupuncture!This may help

I've just started on that. I'm not sure how long it'll take to see results, if indeed it works.

Also, doesn't glucosamine help? (thats next on my list to try)

re the gluten free diet, my cousin has cut out all wheat products fom her diet and her srthritis seems to have gone away. It took the best part of a year however.
I do acupuncture, it helps my over all sense of being but can't say its been the cure all some people claim it to be but I do suggest giving it a try.  Also, find a good massage therapist.  If you have access to a pool, the water will take the pressure off your joints and its a great way to exercise when you hurt! Thanks everyone having another functionb test soon hope it has recovered (my kidney that is) will bring up the suggestions from you with my doc hope she will help.   Janet [QUOTE=Bakers_7]I have ra/osteo recently had my knees replaced which was a great help but due to the fact i had kidney cancer 3 years ago my meds have now damaged the function of my remaining kidney so they have taken me off all my meds any suggestions for maybe some sort of alternative meds which might help with stiffness and mobility now i cant take anti inflamm or steroid meds. heres hoping.


Your best bet is to find a GOOD quality health food store(not GNC) and ask what is recommended for RA. They see ppl on a regular basis that buy supplements like clockwork and often share why they are taking it and if it works. They will tell you what the majority of their customers use for xyz. A good combo of MSM,glucosamine, niacin,ginger,turmeric,boswellia,bromelain,grape seed extract, etc will get the swelling down and you should notice less swelling if not anything else. I would look for a supplement that included all those listed so your not taking sups from 20 diff bottles.
