Tell me everything you know about Humira! | Arthritis Information


Please? Orion739289.5112384259

Hi Orion

I have just stoped Humira after 7 months on it. When it works it does an amazing job and i think you'll find it quite easy to administer. It is frightning I think due to the horror stories you may read but I am always under the thought that even breathing can be dangerous or I might be hit by a car tomorrow. I am only off of it as I kept getting re-occuring sinus infections and now have an upper respiratory infection that wont go away. Once the infection has gone i can start it again but I am due to see a new Rheumy and I want to try another approach.

I wish you good luck and keep us posted on how you do.

It burns, but not too bad if you let it get room temperature.

There is a LONG SCARY needle.

It works well, better than other meds I have been on.

It might give ya some more energy, did me at first but not so much after having to be off it due to chronic bladder infections.

Watch out for green snot, means sinus infection, which Humira has a tendancy to let you get more often. First sight of green snot go to dr and get meds.

Welp, that is about all I have for ya. Might have more later. I am having RA Brain today.Thanks everyone  I didnt mean to scare you, I was also on about the horrors you read about the rare things There is NOT a long scary needle lol.  Joonie quit scaring people!!!  LOL!!!  Joonie is afraid of needles lol.  When you use the quickpen you don't even see the needle.  And is a very small needle anyways.  But to anyone afraid of needles it can look like the the biggest thing you are ever going to stick in yourself lol.

I have had good results with humira.  It does burn but icing where you are going to inject, allowing it to reach room temp, and I have found not injecting in your thigh helps with the burning.  My arm has been the most comfy place to inject.  Like with any works for some...and for others not at all.  It can take some time to work.  It has to build up in yoursystem.  I have seen where it has helped people pretty much after the first shot.  It took me ohh about 3-4 shots to feel and see a difference.  I do still have have weather flare ups and flare ups if I overdo it.  My doc has said that if it were not for the humira and the mtx I would most likely be in a wheelchair.  So that says something right there. 

Good luck and I hope that it works for you and get you relief.  Keep us posted on how you are doing. 

Grammaskittles is right there is NOT a long scary needle. There is a small fine needle that doesn't even hurt going in. The liquid stings as it goes in which is pretty yucky but doing it fairly quickly gets it over and done with and the liquid does hurt under the skin afterwards for a little while until it disperses.

I have had good results better than anything else I have been on to this point and no side effects at all.

My attitude towards it hey, at least I don't have to do this every day like a diabetic or three times a week like my friend who has MS.

And there are horror stories about everything and it really unlikely to be you. Like everything there is risk but so is driving a car or flying in a plane...we take risks all the time we are just more used to some than others. Go for it and see how you do.   Thanks again for the replies I have been on Humira for 2 years now.  It is subtle in how it works but it has worked well for me.  I had one hand that was getting really bad-fingers going to one side, little finger had a crick in it--a hook I guess.  Well, it is not supposed to do this but my hand is much better.  My RA doctor was pleased and very surprised and happy for me.  I use the needle and inject slowly.  It is not bad--a little sting.  Knock on wood--I have not had any infections --in fact I have not any colds, etc.  Get your flu shot when it is offered.  I stay away from people I know are sick--I worry about the ones I am around that I don't know there are sick and then they say---oh---I have strep throat---ugggGGHHHHH.  So far so good.  It is an individual decision and I am sure everyone reacts differently to each med but I have been happy with Humira.  My doctor suggested it right from the start.  I have not tried any of the others.   I have never taken Pren and never will--I don't want the weight gain and I have heard bad stories about it.  Trying plaquenil to the mix but I am having bad reactions to it.  Good luck.

Icing does help the burning.  Doesn't take it totally away, but it does help.  The injection is a sub-q (under the skin) injection so when you do ice it does get to that few layers inder the skin where the medicine does go. 

For me...steroid shots are not bad because my doc puts lidocaine in with the steroid. 

Thanks for all the info. Like I keep saying (I'm sure you're bored of me saying this by now!) it makes a difference hearing the experiences of other patients, rather than depending solely upon the medical literature.

I spoke to my rheum nurse today, and I'm due to start on Humira next Wednesday. Fingers crossed!

Has anyone had any weight changes on Humira? I've put on weight with pred, and I'm hoping weight gain isn't an issue with Humira too. I know that sounds shallow, and I'd rather have pain relief than stress about weight gain, but it would be nice to fit into my old clothes again!

I have had three shots of Humira.  It is starting to work some, but still no real relief, however, I have been out of control for a long time.  More than six years. 

I have the needle kind, 'cause the military will not order the pen.  I don't mind it, and I keep my ice pack out after I have given myself the shot, and I just stick it right back on.  In about five minutes it is all better and I go about my business.  This last time I took two tylenol before I took it and did not end up with a headache or anything, and I also think the burning subsided much faster. 

Try it and give it about three months.  If you don't like it than try something else. 

I just had my first shot and it STUNG!!! And I howled like a big wimp
No immediate allergic reactions, which is what I was scared of. Hopefully it'll work, I'm hoping so much. I feel a little bit out of it but I think thats post stress anxiety  really (I was so worried about anaphylactic shock, I can be such a hypochondriac sometimes)

I guess i just have to watch out for MS and Lupus like symptoms, but the nuirse said they were extremely rare.

Sorry, I'm babbling on and on about it, but I'm quite excited about this working (yet still on the lookout for any side effects, have the anti histamines at the ready!)