neuropsychiatry? | Arthritis Information


Anyone familiar with this?  My girlfriend who is a doctor and one of the people who also referred me to the U of M just suggested I try a neuropsychiarty specialist.  Apparently they can do extensive testing, not exactly sure what sort of testing, to determine if you are making up your medical symptoms and to determine if depression is causing your medical issues to be worse. She agrees their is something wrong with me but also said that the "real" doctors may take me more seriously if I have a neuropsy person say, no she is not making all this up sort of thing.  And well, if I am someone making myself sicker than I am than I want to be treated, I want to get well!!! Opinions?  Anyone ever heard of such a thing before?? I have heard of it. And yes, it is possible to "worry yourself sick". I would go for it. It will give you peace of mind either way. They will either back you up on your illnesses, or help you realize if you are actually making yourself sick or sicker than you are.

I think If I was really in doubt, I would go. I actually did go to a year of therapy. I may try again, but with someone else.

Good luck to you! I hope all works out.
I agree with GrammaKathy.  I think it would give you peace of mind and something to show the docs that you are not making this up.  I guess I agree, but it just annoys me that you go to a doc all swelled up, loaded with blood work and the doc thinks you're making it up.  I would want to smack someone that said that to me.  Michele, I really don't think Dr G would do that to you.Anyone who has read even a few of my posts knows I am a straight talker, lol. So I am about to throw my opinion into the mix here.

You can do the neuropsychiarty thing if it makes you feel better but to me it sounds more like you are doubting yourself.

It is not in you head.

And this is exactly what can happen with this disease, the patient starts to feel crazy, like they are imagining it all.

You are not.

I don't think auto immune diseases consult with the doctors before they do what they do.

I even know of one woman who had an auto immune for years and then went into complete remission. Geez, wouldn't that be nice, lol.

Auto immunes, just don't follow the rules, like they are supposed to, they do what they do. And what they can do is a wide range of crazy unfathomable symptoms.

I don't blame you for doubting yourself, when we are put through one of those experiences with a doctor like you had, and I have had them myself, we do doubt. Geez, even your hubby was trying to convince that numskull doctor.

For years I went undiagnosed. I was told I was lazy. I was told I just 'sat around all the time' yeah, I couldn't move, I was told I didn't exercise enough, that I had low self esteem, that I needed counselling. I was depressed yes, RA and depression go hand in hand. I knew something was not okay with me but the symptoms were so vast, I couldn't have told you what.  After my daughter was born then I had post partum depression. It was only that I had an experienced GP who saw me every week for two years that my RA was picked up by then the inflammation was affecting my speech, making me nightblind, I couldn't use a knife and fork.

Your hands look like my feet. They are not normal or okay.

What is important here, is what you think? Not the doctors. It is you who has this. What do your instincts say? Listen to your gut, Michelle.

And I think after the trauma of the experience this week, you probably need to relax and forget about it all for a couple days and then you will know more what you think and maybe which way you want to go.

Cordelia -

You hit it on the head; exactly what I was trying to say yesterday!

We need to take control of our own health.


And I have a friend starting AP for serious depression.  Her doc sounds like a neuropsych.  He said he couldn't figure out what was going on with her therefore it must all be in her head.  She was suicidal.


Yeah, we do need to take control of our own health, Pip and above all we are the ones experiencing so the bottom line is it is what we think that counts.

It was such a relief to me to know what I had was physical, then the depression came from it.

If you aren't listening to yourself and following your instincts you can drive yourself crazy listening to everyone else.

And truthfully about 4 times a year...RA drives me to a place where I feel suicidal. No intention of doing it. Like my life too much regardless of RA and a small daughter to whom I am the universe is a good enough reason not too but I do go to that place of despair.

I think also doctors can 'see' the depression but can't see the rest of RA and it's kinda a copout diagnosis.'re depressed so that is what's wrong...not.

You know, there's only one post I've ever seen where a man posted he was told it was in his head.  I think it was on AI.

Yes, we get depressed.  Who'd blame us? 

Yes, my point exactly - a copout diagnosis.

Hugs so you don't go there any time soon!


Wonderful advice, exactly what I was looking for.  I KNOW something is wrong with me.  I was healthy, did 6 miles a day on an elliptical, would clean house, cook dinner and go out with friends.  Until I tried to get pregnant, of course the miscarriages made me depressed.  I started fertility drugs and started having lots of problems, thats when the swelling started, the uvietis, on and on.  I was so wrapped up in getting pregnant and they just kept telling me it was from the fertility drugs.

Than i got pregnant with my baby identical twin girls and was told all my problems were because I was carrying twins.  Than, when I lost them at 15 weeks, well, I was just depressed.   YES, I was depressed but I also KNEW something was wrong medically.  They have never found a cause for my lost five babies and they were all healthy because we had dome chromosome testing on them.

And it goes from there, the swelling increased, the pain, the fatigue, the whole kit and kaboodle.  Early this year they switched my ad to cymbalta and I was suicidal, to the point that I actually started writing good bye letters to friends ad family.  I have since gone to lexapro and don't feel suicidal but I am depressed.  I know that they say after people have suffered chronic pain that they become over sensitive and I guess that could be SOME of my problem but I know its not all of it.

I was seeing a shrink for about 1.5 years through the miscarriages and such but we sort of got to a point that she really wasn't helping much, we had worked through all my child hood issues.  I did recently call her and ask her if she knew anyone who specializes in counseling people with chronic illness but she did not.

I know you are right, I do need a bit of a break.  I am going to give it the week or two and wait for this round of blood work to come back and just ride it out until than.  I also have an appt with my regular rheumy in a few weeks, if I am still not getting anywhere, I will call linccn's rheumy.

I may end up seeking out a neuropsy person but I need some time, a break.  I truly think I would go insane if it weren't for all of you here to help me through this.  I hate that others suffer but it sure is nice to know that someone truly does understand.  Thank you.

I spoke to the National RA Society (NRAS) in the UK on Monday and one of the things that the team of rhemy consultants are very keen on is that you (the patient), need to be more pro-active in getting where you want to go. They dont want bolshy (I think she could tell I could get bolshy if pushed

I'm getting bolshy next week so wish me luck.

Dont put up with any crap, dont let Dr 'God' intimidate you. He's there to provide you with a service, which you pay for, so make sure you get the service.

Sorry, I'll get off my high horse now. Just do what you think is best for you.


LOVE the high horse.


Ok..we don't say "bolshy" in America.   What does it mean???

here is how the dictionary defines it:


1.  obstreperous 


emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries


Any way, I jusy wanted to say to michelleb (sorry i think I've spelt that wrong - brain has gone on hols), have you tried CBT? You mentioned you were looking for another therapist and this might be beneficial to you. I had CBT and drug therapy for 1.5 years for psychotic depression and I can safely say the CBT saved and changed my life.

Also - I think it might be worth seeing the neuropsych. I definately think you are physically ill - no-one can deny that really! - but the process might be one more made up of 'let's rule out' rather than 'let's discover'. 3 years ago I lost my voice for over 6 months: I had numerous medical tests etc, speech therapy etc. I have a condition call functional aphonia/dysphonia, which is psychosomatic in some ways. Basically my vocal cords paralyse themselves and no-one is really sure why. It can happen at any time, any place, with no warning. What I'm trying to say is some of you symptoms may be exaserbated by the depression. I just think it would be worth it.

(((michelleb))) I really hope things get better for you.

Bolshy ----like Bolshevik?

Like me???



It derives from Bolshevik - I think!!

Like - stroppy  - from obstreperous

I think in "American" it's - what a pushy (liberal) broad!


Overbearing comes to mind...LOL  At times, my middle name.

So, why is it "agressive" if it a man and a "witch" if it's a woman?

I like stroppy better, but have a Bolshy(bolshee) daughter that I would love to be like at times. 

Michelle you do what is best for you, and if you can get into someone that can really help with the depression part of it then GO FOR IT.  You never know how these things work hand in hand. 

Sendin you a hug and sleep.  Take some time to do something for YOU and then revisit it.