Me Poor ’ittle Ankle | Arthritis Information


That is my left ankle. It has been looking like that for almost a month now. It does get much more swelled if I am on it for a longer period or if it is going to rain.

Oh a good note... my hands are skinny. Not much swelling in them. I can make a fist on both hands and see actual knuckles! It will be short lived though,... it usually is. By tonight I will only be able to make a semi-closed fist with my right hand.

Ok off to eat a cream horn! Mine has been like that for months!  Stinks doesn't it?Ouch Ouch Ouch!!!! I don't think the word little applies to your ankle!Christ! Get that foot up and don't move! Hugs girl. Ow, Joonie!  That does look painful!  Hope you feel better soon! 

Have you ever had cortisone injections in it?

Hope you feel better!



Joonie, my ankles have been getting towards that for a few months. But I gave up the cream horns!! OUCH!  I can definitely relate though!!

Nini - Ummmm.... yeah no injections into joints ever! They sound painful, and it also requires a needle EWW EWW!! I think I rather suffer, but who knows I might change my mind if it gets any worse.

Yeah it sure is the pits. I hate when I stand on it for about 10 mins and go to sit down and my ankle will start to spasm and make my whole leg jerk and it causes more pain from the jerking. SOOOO... annoying and painful. Ya just wanna slap the ankle and tell it to straight up or ship out

Well, I shared my cream horns with the kids so I would not eat them all. I ate 1 1/2, gave one and half of my other one to daughter, and have 2 left..

How's the leg today? How much swelling do you have in the rest of your body? If there is that much swelling going on there, what about your heart & other organs? Do you monitor your own blood pressure? You need  to visit the doc hun. Love, Monk

ankle still looks the same, I have been on it, had to take both kids to the dr today. They both have a virus, which I think I caught as I am sooo sick feeling and tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open, daughter has broncitis, and they both have the beginnings of an ear infection which the virus causes as well.

My hands have slight swelling, both knees have some swelling, but not mushy swell it is the hard swell, and everywhere else seems to no be but slightly swelled, which for me is normal.

Thanks for asking. I am going to go lay down now. I am sooo sleepy.

As I said earlier, mine has been like that for months.  It does go down at times and yes I have been to the Doctor.  He said "you have a bad flare" and upped my medication.