Congratulate Me!! | Arthritis Information


I am now (as of sunrise in NC) the proud owner of a brand new DAUGHTER-IN-LAW!!!!!!!!!

And she's the exact one I've been wanting!!


She's very lucky to have such a wonderful and welcoming mom-in-law!

YAY!!!!  When'd he propose???  Details girl, we want details!!!!Oh, yeah! 


Well, thank you all for the kind words, but I'm telling you, this girl is the girl every mom wants their son to marry.  She is smart, sweet, kind, beautiful and totally devoted to my son.  I've been waiting for this for a long time.  In fact, I always told my son that she was either going to be his wife or his sister, because if he doesn't marry her, I'm going to adopt her!!

Anyway, they've had this "surprize" wedding planned for a few weeks, they were waiting for my other son to get home from Japan so he could be there.  Mandi's sister went down for the wedding, but they decided to leave it at that because Mandi's family couldn't afford to go down and they didn't want to have us and not them too.  I wish I could have been there, but I think they did the right thing.  Wouldn't want their new life to start out with anyone feeling hurt, ya know?

So they got married on the beach, at sunrise, in their bare feet.  Mandi wore a white sun dress and all I could get out of my son was that he wore a speedo and a bow tie!!!  I know it's a joke, but I still don't know what he wore!

So I will be smiling all day long, and thanks for letting me share my good news!!


wait is this the one you were telling me about that he was going to propose to her? Im lost and confused now LOLShannon, yes, this is the one that I was telling you about.  I was expecting an engagement but got a marriage instead!!hahaha well that works too eh?  Congrats!   Wonderful news!  Did he at least promise to send pictures? Congratulations to you, your son and his new wife!  What a wonderful piece of news you got today.YES   pictures will be forthcoming.  Not holding breath to get them today though!

congratulations on the new DIL! Hope you can stand the other in-laws

Oh and shannon is sooo easy to confuse

I get to go to a wedding next Saturday. It is my sis-in-laws wedding. She threw it together in less than 3 weeks. And we still are not sure if she can fit into her wedding dress.

Hubby says were are not going because we did not get an invitation mailed to us like everyone else. It was addressed to his mom & dad, but it was to be for all of us. So, hubby says since he did not get an invitation in his name we were not invited.

I have no idea what I am going to wear. Jeans and a T-shirt sounds good to me.


Congrats!!!!!! NO big wedding to plan, no stress, no tension. You poor thing


That's great news! SHe's lucky to have a MIL that's so excited to welcome her to the family.

My In-Laws are so wrapped up in their own little world they have never made me feel very welcome. It hurt my feelings at first but I've just grown to accept it. They aren't mean to me....but they've never made me feel like part of their family. I have learned though that their family isn't anything like mine so I might have just been hoping for too much.

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. (And your son of course


I used to be sort of at odds with my MIL, mostly because she's bossy and I don't like having people try to boss me around..  But over the years (25 in September) we have grown to be good friends.  She doesn't try to boss me anymore and I have learned to take advice when it's good and not be so stubborn as I was when I was younger.

Congratulations!  It's great that you really like your dil...certainly makes things more enjoyable.

 This is wonderful news Lin I am so happy for you all. Sounds like you got a winner and let me tell ya there is absolutely nothing like grand babies. You and I are the same age and it really does make a difference when you have GB's when your young. Although I can't keep mine by myself anymore when im in a flare I stilll get to enjoy them immensely.

What a beautiful memory they made. Getting married on the beach at sunrise sounds so romantic! She's so lucky to marry into such a welcoming family.

Being a grandma is so special. My first granddaughter was born when I was 42. She is now 17 and still my special girl. I also have a 2 year old granddaughter who is also my darling! Wonder if your son knows you already have a grandchild ready fo them, in you heart?

Congratulations on the terrific new addition to your family!!



Congrats!!!!  That is great!! being a gramma is great!  I am waiting on grandbaby number 2 set to make the grand debut in December! 

Lin- what wonderful news and surprises like that really make your day. I think how they married was lovely, spontanious and romantic.I bet you cant wait to see some photo's.

Congratulations on having a new daughter-in-law, shes really lucky to have a great MIL.hopefully shes pretty so you wont have ugly grandkids!!!WOOHOO!!!!! Congratulatoins Lin!! I know what it's like when your child hits a home-run in the marriage department! My daughter also got married this year and I'm absolutely ecstatic! My new SIL is a definite keeper!Thanks!!  Now we're planning a reception for them around Christmas when they can come home.  I hope not to wait that long to see them she ugly?!

No Kitty, my daughter is actually beautiful! What I meant by 'hitting a home-run' is that my new son-in-law is absolutely WONDERFUL.

In other words, he's the WHOLE PACKAGE!



And yes, you are so right about beauty being from the inside. I don't know what Kitty was thinking!


I am okay tonight thanks for asking. I got my remicade dose increased to 40 units, it was 30. I hope to feel a lot better in the next couple of days.

My brother and his wife had their first baby today. A little boy! Brother already has two children 11 & 7 from first marrage. I guess he is starting over sort of.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love good news especially when it involves our kids. Congratulations Uncle Jay!!Jay!!  That's great

 AWWW hey Uncle Jay, hope your increase make a world of difference.  And I know it's the same with you and your fam too.well,brisen & Linncn
I KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING So do tell Kitty, just what were you thinking...Making mental note to be cautious and suspicious. . .that it would suck to have ugly grandchildren/kids!!!!!
duhhh:]My, how very immature of you. Nice way to introduce yourself to a new board sorry i was just kidding i have a weird sense of humor
I would love to tell you 'no problem' but I'm smelling troll here. Why would you dig up an old post from July just to ask about ugly grandchildren??i didnt realize it was so old!
i mustve been on a different page or something
:\Ummmmm yeah! Like on a TOTALLY different page that one would have to go hunting for!Maybe it's lining your kitty's litter box!!  Sure smells a bit suspect! WELL.
since im new to the board i was scrolling through pages trying to get to know my fellow board members!
my apologieswith that example, you sure sound old!


  *sniff sniff* I smell  a rat! Sic em Kitty...go go go!!!


THIS IS JOONIE!!!  and KATIE AGGING HER ON!!!!  If you'll notice them two been MIA!! YOU LITTLE DEVILSNO WAY!!!OMG No it's not. I've been spending time with Justin today. He was super sweet and we went out for a lunch date. :) And I had my dr appt today and all those errands to run, then I took a nap. I always have naps on my off days. Sheesh. Ya spend 10 hours away from the board and you're suspect!


 Not buying it Katie my names jennifer,
and we got off on the wrong foot :[
since ive had RA for so long i think i could give some good input.