Tape me down | Arthritis Information


With all the remodeling projects on our new condo, especially the painting, I have been trying very hard not to do too much.  The regular size paint rollers are too heavy for me to use for more than a minute, so I tape woodwork, and remove switchplate covers, and touch up with my little baby roller when hubby is finished with the big roller.  But that means I spend a lot of time just sitting and watching him, and I feel really helpless and bad that so much falls on him.  But I know if I do too much, I'll be no help at all.

Well, this weekend it will be worse.  Weather-permitting, tomorrow two of the guys I work with are going to help us move furniture and stuff from hubby's storage space to the condo or to my parents (where we will sell a bunch of stuff at a garage sale in September).  Now I know I can't go moving furniture....but I'm going to feel just like a horse's behind sitting and watching the menfolk do all the work, especially the guys from the office (although they know about my conditions).  Then on Sunday there's more painting, and installing register grilles and fixtures and stuff.

So somebody tape me down so I can't overdo.  I know Liz is always lurking about with the duct tape....

I can relate.  We have been remodeling an 80's home and my job was to remove the popcorn ceiling and paint...which I didn't mind before my RA diagnosis.  Thankgoodness I got all the popcorn ceiling removed and walls and ceilings painted before RA hit hard.

I had to quit painting and we now have about 10 new doors that are unpainted.  I feel so helpless now.  I want to paint, but I know I shouldn't attempt it.  I think we are going to have to hire someone to do the painting.

Take care of yourself first.  You won't be any good to anyone if you overdo it.  It's difficult to learn to do this.  I have learned not to overdo (well, OK, most of the time), but I haven't learned how to deal with the guilty feelings I have - - you know the one, "you don't look sick" so why am I doing nothing or not working as much as everyone else. 

Thanks Lynda, that's a good idea.  I can be "Snack Girl" (cape flying in the wind).  At least it will keep me occupied.

Flamingo, we're leaving all the popcorn ceilings right where they are!  We're going to have to paint the one in the kitchen and that will be enough trouble.  I can't imagine removing all that.

As an aside, my boss told me that he thought popcorn ceilings were designed to hide uneven ceilings and shoddy work.  I always thought they were designed to suppress noise.  Anybody know?

Yes, I agree that serving food and drink will be a very good way to help and I'm sure everyone will really appreciate it. That's a great idea.

I understand exactly how you feel and like Flamingo said, when you "dont look sick" it really worries me that people think I'm faking my lack of participation to get out of work, especially when it's people who don't know me from my healthy days when I was a real work horse. Sometimes I wish I looked as bad as I feel so they'd understand better.  It's so tempting to push just a little more when you're having a good day and I'm just learning (the hard way) that I'm going to pay for it if I don't pay attention to my limitations.  What's even harder, I volunteer for a women's shelter where my co-workers are much older than I am and they seem so much stronger and capable.  It makes me feel really embarrassed to watch them lift and do things I can't.  I know I still contribute a lot, but those 65 year old ladies can run circles around me when I'm having a bad day.  Innerglow, you seem to have a good handle on your condition and know how far you can go.  Listen to your inner voice and know that, at the very least, we here understand you perfectly!



No, No, No.... you've got it all wrong every operation needs a 'boss lady'. Boss ladies are a necessity, you know, delegation, who should do what, and there is always a need for an extra pair of eyes to point out that the furnture isnt quite in the right place, the picture is wonky etc etc

On a serious note and being a beginner at the RA thing I sat and tiled for 3 hours, I knew my hands were getting tired and sore, I paid for it later, 4 days of not being able to hold a knife or fork..... husband furious, I did it whilst he was at work..... on a brighter note the floor looks fantastic.



I find the guys always need somebody to tell them where each thing goes - at least what room it goes in. You can help a lot by knowing the answers and having cold drinks and food available. I always have a 1st aid box handy when moving, including an ice pack. Seems like somebody always gets a scrape or a bump.

Let the beasts of burden do the hauling, you give direction and comfort!

You are the Project Manager!!   Kiwilass239290.6172453704

Yeah...You're in charge of snacks and drinks.  Perhaps you could even get the grill going. Most guys I know are always hungry and thirtsy so that should keep you busy enough.

Have a good weekend & don't over do it.

Peace & Love...Neasy

OK, I made it through the weekend!  And no tape required, but some sunblock sure would have helped....

On Saturday morning, I went to pick up my co-worker at 7:30 (way too early for me on a weekend) and we got down to the storage space by 8:30.  Hubby wanted to move not only the furniture but all his boxes and everything as well!  Well the 2 guys from work were miracle workers...they had everything out of the space and packed in the 2 minivans and 1 pick-up truck within 90 minutes.  The rain held off and it was just cloudy, and finally the sun started to break through.

We got the mattress set and headboard to our new place, and the guys even put the headboard on for us.  Then we headed over to my parents where the rest of the stuff is going, either temporarily while my hubby goes through it, or for the garage sale in September.   By then the sun was out full force. 

I managed to direct traffic, carry a few light things, and basically (as my hubby told me to do) "stand there and look pretty".  By 1:30, everything was out and my coworkers even replaced the seats in my parents minivans for us.  Then my coworkers went running off...I actually had to convince them to take any money for the job!

So the move went great, but unfortunately, with the rainy predictions, I didn't think to put on sunblock at all.  By 2:30, we were back at home (the old apartment) and I was blotchy, itchy, and sick with a headache and fever/chills.  I spent the rest of the day in bed instead of painting at the condo.

Sunday we made up for it, and I spent 8 hours working on the condo, with lots of rest breaks in between.  At one point I knew I was overdoing it because I was walking around like a drunken sailor...part dehydration, part fatigue, part strain on my knees, calves and SI joints.  But I rested and hydrated and soldiered on, and did just fine.

The scary part is that the actual move is in less than 3 weeks but we're not done with the remodeling and we haven't started packing yet!  Oh well, we'll just do what we can do...

Wow, you are one busy woman and I don't envy you at all, but it will be worth it.  Popcorn ceilings were the thing to have in the late 70's and into the 80's and if you keep them long enough, they will make a comeback, but everyone is getting rid of them.  I suppose they did hide cracks, etc. but they were also pretty at the time and still are.  It's just like women's clothing.  Fashions from the 40's, 50's and 60's are showing up again and the same with shoes. 
Have fun, but take care.

now & then39293.3530439815Wow, I am tired just reading your post!!!  I am very sensitive to the sun as well!  Good luck getting everything done!!  Have you thought about hiring someone to come in and pack for you?

Hubby is trying to save on everything, which is why we are doing so much ourselves.  We're on a budget and we have so much we want to do, but we are getting some great deals. 

I know he won't go for hiring someone to pack...but he will do most of the work.  He is a worrier though, and he gets so stressed and then he stresses me and then I feel worse (physically).  Ack!! 

We just finished having our kitchen remodeled, popcorn ceilings removed from the whole house and the walls and ceiling textured and painted. Everything had to be taken out of the kitchen because it was completely gutted. Nothing left but four walls by the time the demo was done.

I know what you mean about not being able to help. I felt so bad that my husband had to pack up all the food and dishes, pots & pans and all the stuff that accumulated since 1980, when we bought the house. It was build in 1968. The popcorn ceilings had been painted before but I truly HATE popcorn ceilings! The main reason is that my pet peeve is cobwebs. They are everywhere in popcorn ceilings and you can't find them unless the light is just right. I've been known to get up in the middle of the night, if I happened to see one and get out my handy, long duster. Once I see one, I must examine every ceiling in the house, to make sure there are no more.

I cannot imagine taking them down by myself, though! That is a really hard, dirty job. Anyway, mine are now gone

Please, don't over-do again! As you know, it takes a long while to get over it. Good luck, I'm sure you will love your new home. Your husband sounds like a sweetie. Take his advice and just "stand there and look pretty". Or sit

Be well,


Hi guys, Brit abroad, whats a Popcorn ceiling?

It's a textured ceiling, bumpy (and usually white) like popcorn.  It's apparently also called an accoustic celing, or cottage cheese (again they way it looks).  I was going to post a photo from the web, but none of them seem to come through right.  You can go to images.google.com and search on "popcorn ceiling".

This is how MIL packed. Filled a box with everything that was on her dresser in one box and wrote "dresser" that way when she unpacked it all the stuff in that box went back on the dresser.

That packing method worked out really well for me too. I mean unless you got breakable stuff, which takes time to wrap and make sure it will not get broke, packing is pretty fast, if you just shove everything into a box and not worry about going thru it. I got rid of stuff as I was unpacking, much easier that way. Because by the time I got around to unpacking, I was to my breaking point and my mind was if it did not serve a everyday purpose I chunked it Joonie - you are such a hoot!! 
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