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Just recently I saw an Ad about Canadian Drugs and I called them and they gave me prices on the same medications that I have been ordering here in USA their total was 40% lower than what I have been paying, their service is excellent and it is really easy to order from them, I will definitely continue ordering from them and I like to pass on this life saving information. Their name is Canadian prescription drugs and their phone number is 1-877-966-0567

And you just joined our site to share this wonderful news?

Call me skeptical; but rarely do people join once and only want to share wonderful cost saving tips?


Thanks though...there may be some here that will be thrilled you decided to join us.

I am just trying to help others who may have the same financial troubles that I had when trying to pay for my meds out of pocket.  Thats what these forums are for look out for eachother.

Hope I didn't offend anyone, just trying to help where I can.

You have to understand that there are (many!) people out there who visit forums such as this when they are trying to sell a product, a cure, whatever all to make a buck out of people who are desperate for pain relief, a cure, a way out.  If you are truly just sharing a phone number to help others, thank you very very much.  If you have a vested interest in the enterprise, then we do have a right to question your motives.

Molly Bee

Yes; I apoligize. We do have many here with finacial troubles and anything and everything there is out there that can maybe help to them is welcome.

We just have so many hit and runs around here it's almost become a joke.

I'm sorry to have been ugly....I honestly didn't think you'd even be back.

Again; I apoligize.

It's no problem....I understand and even kinda expected your responses.  I am just trying to help anyone that could us a little.  Thanks for the apologies and they are accepted.  I understand as well as anyone how careful you have to be about things like this, but in this case I am truly just trying to help others out.    This company is very legit and helpful to people who are in need of relief from the high medication prices in the USA!

Glad to meet all of you and hope to chat with you all sometime soon!

