CAN YOU "SORT OF" HAVE RA? | Arthritis Information


I mean, is it like being "a little bit pregnant," either you are or you're not?  I ask because of the undifferentiated connective tissue disease diagnosis.  SED rate and CRP were normal, but ANCA was very high (RD is "nervous" about possible vasculitis) and the ANA, RA factor and Anti-CCP were positive.  However, the Anti-CCP was just over the border for positive at 5.00 (4.90 being the upper normal limit). Also, PTT (LAC) screen was slightly high at 41 (40 being the upper normal limit).  I guess this is why it's "undifferentiated" but I still wonder if there's any such thing as being slightly rheumatoid arthritic.  I can tell you, there are days when what I'm feeling is anything but slight.  Thanks for your help.  Being new to this, there's still a lot of confusion on my part and I hestiate to hit the RD with too many questions all at one time.  Even though you're not doctors, many of you have years of experience not only with RA but with deciphering blood tests as well.  Any assistance is very much appreciated.  I know that your RA can be mild or severe or in between if that helps.  I don't know much about all the blood work though, sorry.

Things change over time. Your blood work may someday fit the RA definition better.

You are taking a classic treatment for RA.

I have full blown RA and have had it for 30 years. I had on and off arthritis as a child - nobody called it RA - but I think it was.

My blood work is usually perfect. I don't even have an elevated crp  - mid range normal for me.

My deformites are quite visible without xrays. My damage on xray is classic RA. My cartiledge is gone and my bone ends look like they have been dipped in acid. 

Your doc my never know what it is - but as long as the treatments bring relief and prevent damage, it is good. Some poor folks get the dx RA but the treatments don't help them very much or for very long.

I still feel the same way! My official RA numbers didn't fall into quote "RA diagnosis" but, my other blood work shows inflamation, especially in blood, numbers are high in a few places there. I've had hand, feet, hip & back problems for years. I have some deformaity in my one of my hands & had 3 surgeries to correct different problems w/ it. Between the knuckles I have this gook (their words) growing causing inflamation and pressure. The labs came back inconclusive on what exactly what is was. The doc said it really looks like some of the people w/ this disease have. Interesting yet scary to know what was there was something growing & not just fluid.  Now that I'm on soo many drugs and just starting on some I really hate, I question if it's RA. My brother was recently diagnosed by his babies ped md becasue the baby had Nerofibromitosis (sp?) and looked @ my brother and said "so do you"! So that threw something else into the fire so to speak. So, question everything. Ask, ask, ask the questions no matter how off the wall. You've found a great website for information. From the AMA articles NIH, and on and on. Most valuable for me is all the people dealing w/ these different diseases and the medicines they are on. Take Care.     Monk

Can someone sort of have RA?  I'm sorry but no, there is no sort of.  Some people do better than others and some even go into remission but once you have RA you will always have RA.  I have seen people with RA where it hardly bothers them a bit and may effect a joint or two once in a while, people so severe they are debilitated and everything inbetween.  There is no rhyme or reason to it and how it affects each individual person.  All we can do is hope that every single person with RA finds their cocktail to feel better and live a long, happy life with as few symptoms and pain as possible.

With that being said, there are people that have been misdiagnosed...that happens.  There are people that have been diagnosed with RA to find out later that it was something else entirely and those struggling with seronegative RA fighting to get a diagnosis so that they can begin treatment.  If you have concerns or questions about your diagnosis I think it's a very valid discussion to bring up with your doctor.  Good luck to you & take care.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Thank you all.  It's clear there will be no easy answers for any of us but the voices of experience here help to calm some of my concerns as my questions are answered, even if it isn't always what I'd like to hear.  I'm so sorry to read that so many have still not found the cocktail that will give them relief.  On the other hand, how fortunate we are to live in a time when continued damage can often be controlled.  At least there's hope that relief is still attainable. It must have been so awful for our ancestors, even worse than what has to be endured today.  I guess when you come right down to it, we're pretty lucky after all.     