My Neighbor,Not Really OT | Arthritis Information


Well Jeez I am pretty miffed at my neighbor and I want to know if you think I have good reason or should I just ignore it.

 Now these people, a nice elderly couple, moved in about 2 years ago. There is one house between us, that was for sale a while, and my sweet hubby mowed that grass every week for the owner, on his own, just cause it made our yard look better. Fine, no problems. Then this couple moved into the next house and the elderly man walked with a cane following some type of surgery, sooo my dh mowed his yard too (riding mower) just as a favor and to be "neighborly". Of course they appreciated it and offered to pay but my dh refused it.

Well to make an even longer story short, yesterday I took my pooch out to do her business, in pj's and flip flps, and the elderly lady came out to her pool, waved, I waved, and then little pooch broke her collar and went barking after her. Now, I'm all ready in a big flare with my other leg ,like my other one I had a couple weeks ago. I slipped and fell completely down,did a split, and thought I was dying from the pain. And still had to chase the pooch. The point of my story is that nieghbor lady saw all this and just turned around and went back inside her house

I am still sort of shocked that she didn't even wait around to see if I was OK. or call out or nothing. I caught the dog on her carport and she still didn't come out! Am I being unreasonable in being so angry. I didn't expect her pick me up but Jeez. Now I'm in worse shape than ever with my leg and hip and grumpy to boot. I guess I just needed to vent but that really hurt my feelings

I don't blame you for being hurt. I sure would be. It's not even about how kind you husband was to them, although he is absolutely wonderful to help them. But just as a human being and your neighbor, for goodness sake! You could have been seriously injured, for all she knew. If you had needed medical help, who would be there to call for it, when she just walked away?

Is there any chance that she is impaired in some way and doesn't understand what she should have done? It is just beyond my understanding how someone who has all their marbles could just walk away like that.

I'm so sorry! Do you need to be checked out? Be sure to take care of yourself, Sweetie. Obviously, she's not going to offer to help.

Gentle Hugs,



Thanks for the hug Nini, I Needed that! No this lady is not impaired at all, she's probably late sixties and swims all the time. I have always been nice to them, even when they come up here to drop off their Jehovah Witness literature, they know I'm baptist, but I've never been rude to them.I was thinking, what if I had broken my ankle again and couldn't get up. I guess that just floored me when she went back inside. At least DH petted me


Man... I typed out this really long post.... kinda like a Dear Abby reply and my internet screwed up on me and when I hit "Post Reply" I lost it

Anyways... sorry you fell. That is why I do not have pets. It is bad enough I broke my knee chasing after my daughter when she was 2.

Hope you are not too sore to enjoy the weekend.

And as for the neighbor... forget about it. She probably did not think she would have been any help to ya.


Ok here is a prime example of someone who does not have all their "marbles".

Flash back to the year 1992.... a little girl watches a woman fall and roll down a retaining wall and hit the sidewalk. All the while the girl and her friend were laughing histerically at the sight of the woman rolling. The girls just watching in shock and laughter, and then walked away. The next day, saw the woman with her arm in a cast and she was with a boy the girl liked, come to find out it was his mother. The mother told the boy that the girl laughed at her while she fell and rolled and the boy did not like the girl anymore. Who was to know that was his mom? Not I!

I still laugh to this day about the mental picture of that woman falling and rolling. I mean if you saw it, you would have laughed you butt off, too. I am telling you. It is one of very few memories I have left, so inorder for me to remember it so clearly must have been funny, or I just have guilt for laughing at her and not helping her.

Ow...that fall sounds nasty.  I wouldn't waste time being angry over your neighbor. Granted, it seems like she should have at least asked if you were ok, but who know her story?  Maybe she has a terrible fear of dogs.  I think you should give her the benefit of the doubt and let this one slide.

Your fall sounds very painful.  I'm so sorry for that.  I hope it hasn't done any real damage.

I think you have every reason to be upset.  I can't believe she saw you fall and didn't even ask if you were okay.  Even more so considering your hubby has been more than good to her by mowing the lawn for them.  People can be so insensitive.  I had a similar situation where my daughter got away from me when we were heading to the car.  Well, I was waddling after her yelling for her to stop, come to Mommy etc.  A neighbor a few houses down saw this and crossed the street.  I was pretty miffed at that.

I am so sorry about your fall - it sounds like it would have hurt so much. 

One thing I do have to say, is don't jump to conclusions about the elderly lady.  As I am quickly learning from my elderly mother, they don't think and react to things the way they used to.  Whether it is senility, Alzheimers, or just being old and totally focused on themselves and their problems, it is just the way it sometimes is with older folks.  You can't necessarily hold them to normal standards.

Just my two cents - coming from experience!
