Why is it so hard to dx? | Arthritis Information


I will soon be 35, at age 20 I went to the emergency room b/c both of my calves were in tremendous pain, it also felt like someoen cut my circulation off. Went to ER and was given some pain meds and told to make an apt w/ my fam dr. I believe my sed rate was 300, the dr. automatically dx me with RA, said i'd be deformed etc. Don't you just love the tact of some dr.s


I don't have deformity or inflamation. The intermitent pain that i do have from time to time is bearable. I also wonder if I subconciously bring symptoms on. Ie I can have no chest pain for 3,4,7 months,yrs etc, or no joint pain, and as SOON as I think about it, it comes on. I think the mind is a powerful thing, as it's happened at least 10 or more times.


Anyone have mild to no symptoms but have been dx with RA?

ps. lupus, lymes and other liver related diseases had been ruled out.

Maybe you start thinking about the pain after so long because you can subconciously feel it coming on??  I think the mind is powerful too, and I think it picks up signals without you really being aware of it...that's what I think "women's intuition" is, your brain processing subtle info.

Do you have a rhuematologist?  If not, I'd get one, if you do, get a second opinion.

I would get checked out by Dr. If you keep getting the same story from them find a new one. Cahnge can be good!

Good luck and lets hope you are not one of us in progression.
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