Relief from topicals? | Arthritis Information


I'm curious if anyone has any luck using topicals? I'm not on medication yet; my blood tests were all normal, but I have been experiencing physical symptoms of RA, so I'm trying to get a referral to a rheumatologist (anyone in Maryland who'd like to offer a reference?).

In the meantime, I'm having an awful time with my knees, mostly on stairs--they don't look swollen, but they must be. I've used ALCiS and like the fact that it doesn't smell like medicine, but it's a bit on the pricey side. I used Mineral Ice yesterday with some good results, as least for a little while.

Does anyone have a topical solution you'd recommend? I'm trying to limit my ibuprofen use since it's really not been helping and since who knows what my GI tract is going to go through if/when I get on the heavy duty stuff. 

Many thanks!


Try an ice pack 3 times a day.

Simple, yet sensible! I'll give it a go, thanks!


("Reefer madness"

