to linncn - Enbrel | Arthritis Information


Hi Linda
My experience so far has been the same as yours.   Had my first shot on Thursday.   Really easy injection, no pain, no discomfort, no injection site reaction etc.    But it seems to have had a big impact on me already.     Feel a bit spooked by it all, as walked down stairs this morning without pain for the first time in months.    Rheumy said it could take up to six weeks to start working so I am a bit startled.   Anna

Anna!!!  This makes me so happy.  My doc told me that it doesn't even reach it's full effect for three months, so you can probably expect to see even more improvement.  It feels good to feel good again, doesn't it?  How long were you down before the enbrel? 

Boy, you made my day, thanks for telling me.


I've been down for so long, the Mtx was becoming less and less effective for such a long time, that I can't put a timescale on it.   Probably the past year has been the most difficult for me with my left foot, hand, wrist and shoulders the worst.   Before that it was mainly my left foot which would ache most of the time, so that probably puts it at two years.
I cant believe that Enbrel can start to be effective so soon, I'd read that this could happen but I never believed it could happen to me.   So I've got everything crossed about the possible infections.
If I can feel this good week 1, imagine how good I could feel after 6 or 12 weeks!
Anna,the sky is the limit!!  Who knows, maybe soon you'll be feeling so good you'll start thinking your doc doesn't know what he's talking about and really this has been just one big mix up.  That's what I do!! Dream away, my friend!!!!