Can we talk about the fatigue? | Arthritis Information


I have had the wierdest feelings in the last few months (not diagnosed yet) and wonder if this is some of the fatigue you all feel. For instance, the other day I was at the grocery store. All of the sudden, my feet were so heavy I could barely lift them. It hit me really fast. I was so exhausted, I actually wanted to lay down in the middle of the isle! I went in the bathroom and sat for about 10 minutes resting.

Anyone else get this? It's like one minute I'm fine and the next, weights on my ankles!



I know exactly how you feel. One min. everything is fine then BAM completely drained of energy. I have felt that way off and on for the last couple of weeks. I thought it was just me adjusting to the Ramicade (5th) infusion.

its not like that with me. i am fatigued all the time. but if i am having a really bad day i will wake up awful and stay like it all day. sort of like being hungover where you have hardly any energy just to move to the toilet etc.i have never had it just come on all of a suddenYep, Kathy, that is it.

You literally sometimes can't stay awake.

It is really very like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Or you have insomnia but also feel like you felt in the grocery store or you can't stop sleeping. Your body feels heavy, very heavy. Every step you take is heavy.

Every single task is exhausting and requires resting afterwards.

It is not nice.

As for working with it there are a couple of ways to go. Sometimes you just have to sleep and sleep. If you are in the position to do so, do it. Also exercise does help...what you can do. And sometimes just movement helps lift the fatigue go tidy your house, wash up etc, it has lifted for me at times when I have used moving rather than rest.

Like much of RA there is no real rhyme or reason to the fatigue, it just seems to come in waves and patches. Of course, if you have a big day, you can be pretty sure the next day, you will be tired so pace yourself.

When my daughter goes away...she is five and goes to Grandma in the school holidays, for the first few days, I will sleep, get up, eat, sleep, get up, eat and my body usually does restore after a 1-3 days so resting can be helpful and sometimes you just have no goddamn choice.

Hope some of this helps.
Ya know, it's funny because looking back before all the pain and inflammation hit me, it came on all at once, I remember thinking, for months before, that I really should go to the Dr. because I felt so run down all the time.  I used to do well if I got 4 hours of sleep, but it got to where I was just watching the clock to see when I could go to bed.  Or I would get to work in the morning and sleep out in the parking lot in my car for an hour before I went in.  That is very unlike me, I used to have so much energy.  It's not so bad now, I guess because of the meds.  Still, sometimes I just have to sleep during the day, I mean I have to.  I never used to nap, not ever.  Of course, it could just be that I'm 43.

 Impossible to explain to anyone who hasn't experienced 'it'. It must be like mental depression only ours is physical.


Linncn, you sound like me - for months before joint pain hit I felt run down and 'ill'. I even remember the summer before I was diagnosed considering going to the doctors about it. Trouble was I wasn't sure what I was going to tell him, " Hi doctor, I just don't feel right at the moment." wasn't going to cut it really! I too went from being able to survive on about 4-5 hours sleep a night to needing between 10 and 14. As a student that can really put a dampner on your social life!

For me there is general fatigue, which is constant, some days worse than others, and there is what I like to call 'Hit By a Bus Syndrome'. Basically I feel like you described Grammakathy, with the added bonus of extreme nausea. My head goes swimmy, i think I'm going to throw up and canhardly move - except to shut my eyes! It can come on very suddenly, anywhere, and all I can do is wait it out.

*shrugs* The joys of the RA monster, eh?!

For the last week or so I have been soo sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open. I mean I feel like I am going to fall asleep while walking. I have not been like that for a long time, only back when I was so bad off, I had really bad fatigue.

Before this recent change in my increased fatigue, I would just feel tired all the time and could sleep FOREVER!

I like Scattered's "Hit by a bus Syndrome."  That is so what it feels like.  There is the fatigue that has been a constant companion for years, but the sudden, extreme fatigue is the worst.  Yes, I've been in the store when it's hit me, and have just no alternative but to leave for the car or somewhere to sit and rest, then and there.  I have had to notify grocery store clerks of the situation so they could put the food back, because I didn't want to just leave it there.  Sometimes they're kind enough to offer help.

One Dr. told me that those times were usually after our bodies had a prolonged and strenuous fight against the RA as it was attacking the system.  It just zaps all our strength. 

I often get hit in the checkout line at the grocery store. suddenly I'm shaking like a leaf and sweat is pouring off me, and my voice becomes whispy..  I can hardly be heard and ask for  assistance getting the groceries out to the car.  makes me so glad I parked in the handicapped slot because I couldnt walk another foot.  its horrible.

Yep, all the above for me as well.  I have the chronic fatigue and the moments of OMG, I have to lay down right now and those usually come with the dizziness and nausea as well.  I recently started provigl and that does help with the everyday fatigue, I have seen a marked improvement as far as like not falling asleep at stop lights and I can get through my work day a little easier but I still need 12 hours or so of sleep nightly and naps on weekends!

That's happened to me too....I went for a walk with my kids, we got just 2 blocks from home and I started getting freaked out because I was so unbelievably tired, I didn't know how the heck I was ever going to be able to push that stroller back home. Again...we were only 2 blocks from home. I did get home though, collapsed on the couch- just for about 20 mins, then I was ok again.

Also, about 3:00 in the afternoon it really hits me too. Especially when I had nights like last night. Finally got to bed about 11:30....then my 6yr old couldn't sleep, so he got me up twice....then at 4:00am my 1 yr old got up. I tried rocking her for a while, but since I over did it cleaning this weekend, my hands were just awful, so I finally begged my husband to rock with her. Well, she screamed just awful. ( if he'd get up with her more often, I'm sure she wouldn't get so freaked out when he DOES get up with her) So after several minutes of listening to her scream, I told him I'd just have her lay by me. Well...she finally went to sleep around 5:30, but I couldn't fall asleep because I couldn't get comfy enough with her laying with me. ***sigh****oh well...I'm at work now trying to keep it all together. I am often really tired (except when supposed to be asleep). I feel like the draggin lady (my behind dragging on ground behind me). I have had a few episodes that I have suddenly hit a wall, but usually I have ignored my body's request to stop and rest for quite a while before that wall appears.


I think there's something in the Americans with Disabilities Act that might give you recourse in the case of getting fired.  Have you got much documentation, or spoken with an employment attorney?

I was telling Cordelia this morning that I've got an underactive thyroid and take thyoxine every morning. However, for the last 5/6 months I've been knackered. I've an appt. with my doc. tomorrow (after visitng this site and reading some of the articles, I'm so well armed with questions a double appt. wont be enough!)

Bone weary tiredness has been hitting me out of the blue along with that low blood sugar feeling dizzy.... again I'd like to say its the summer heat (there's a theme going here) but it isnt, we havent had any this summer! I digress, so I am going to mention it tomorrow but after reading this site I feel that its probably not my thyroid playing up after all but yet another symptom of this blasted disease.

Always end on a cheery note.... my boss recommended hot chocolate made with milk and spiced rum..... just for the hell of it..... fantastic!

How awful of them!!!

Any attorney will be quite pleased with all your documentation.  You're wise for collecting all that.  My evidence would have been verbal, and co-workers would not have wanted to jeopardize their own jobs by testifying.

Sorry to hear all the stories about the fatigue!  I hear you and have MAJOR problems with it.  I do know that FMLA is tracked for a certain #of days in a one year period and that an employer can fire you if you go over that amount of days.

What I don't understand GrammaKathy is why they needed a more definitive DX as there are plenty of DX codes for signs and symptoms.  Very odd. 

Just remember that even with FMLA a person can lose their job. A business still needs employees to run it and they are within their rights to fire a person if the days have been exceeded.  Also, many small businesses are not covered under FMLA and certain key positions are not covered.  My husband was one of a few engineers in a small company and while others were covered, the engineers were not.
I kept track of my FMLA time off. This is not a small company. It's quite big and also handles multiple government contracts. (military, Medicare, etc)
I was completely covered, they just thought my paperwork from the dr was not good enough. (their words) I did not violate my FMLA.
After thinking about this, I did fill out one of those "an atty will contact you soon" thingies. We'll see what happens.

Good for you Kathy!  I hope it all works out.