OT Growing up | Arthritis Information


Well I have finally come to the realization that Kelsay is growing up   For her bday she got a Boggle Jr game from my brother and we sat down and played it last night for a little bit.  Well with this game there are 2 different ways to play it, the easy way where you let them see the word that goes with the picture and they make the word.  For letter recongition i guess.  And then theres the hard way that you hide the word and they only see the picture and they have to spell the word that goes along with the picture.  Well we did about 7 cards the hard way where she had to sound out the word and get the right letters.  OMG I was completly floored.  She got all but 1 word right.  My baby is growing up.  2.5 more weeks and it's her first day of Kindergarten..I cant wait to go school supply shopping.  That was always my favorite part.  Well that was it, just wanted to share my sadness but also my happyness that my baby is growing up.....She sounds like a smart one, I am sure it is hard to let them go but it sounds like you have done a good job at preparing her for her new journey!

They grow up so quickly its frightning. My eldest is 19 and the years have flown past.You dont realise how quickly they go.My daughter and one of my godsons are 10 days apart and then my godson moved to New Zealand when he was 3.He came to visit us a little while ago and we compared photo's.This is so cute.

My daughter said please excuse her underwear but she didnt realise it was poking out(she wasnt doing a "Miss Spears"

Thanks, I hope I've done a good job at preparing her.  At what age do they usually start that kind of stuff?  There is no wrong or right way, its a learning curve for parents and children. You teach them wrong from right and love them to bits, once they grow up they will make their own decisions and learn from their own mistakes .You sound like a great mum and you have one a great job. How old is your daughter>

Wow Shannon. You have one smart little girl there!!!  Pin's right, the time does go by way too fast.

Pin...your daughter is beautiful.  And she has cute underwear.

Awww... Shannon. I remember when I just realized my daughter was 9

Anyways... we got that same game, we bought it for daughter when she was 4 or 5. And we unpacked it when we moved and son he was playing with the cards about a few weeks ago... so I decided to see if he could tell me what was on all over the cards. He got all of them right until he got to the doll, he said it was "Andrew". Not sure where he got that from

Just think you days are going to be unfulfilled when she starts to school, you will not notice just how much entertainment, and presence they provide until they go to school. But also a good time to sleep all day

I had such fun with my oldest granddaughter when she was small. We baked lots of cookies, made a gingerbread house every Christmas, I even taught her to crochet and to bake a pie! One Thanksgiving she made a pumpkin pie right along with me. Did everything all by herself, from home made crust and filling. She was about 6 and was so proud of herself when her pie was served. She is 17 now, so I don't get to spend as much time with her anymore.

But I have a 2 year old granddaughter who already wants to help with everything. Remember hearing "I can do it"? Kids are great!

Shannon, your little one sounds really smart. I bet she'll love school!

Lisa, your daughter is beautiful! How old is she?

Love to all,


Wait until they start asking for help with their homework and you don't even recognize what it is! Glad my kids are smart and have figured out how to do most of this without my help....I'm clueless most of the time.

My oldest will be 18 in November. It goes by FAST! It's easier when their small I think...or at least it was for me.

Yeah I like mine better when they are small and they still think mom and dad have some sense
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