RA Brain + Pred Taper = Missed Training | Arthritis Information


Last week when I tried to take the pred below 2 mg/day, the fatigue killed me.  Over the weekend, I went back up to 2 mg (working on the remodeling projects) and when I went back to work yesterday, I got in early, felt alert and things were going well.  So I took 1.5 mg yesterday and this morning was hell.  The fatigue was unbelievable and it was making me dizzy.  I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes in focus, or even open for very long.  The result was that I got to work an hour and a half late.

Now that generally wouldn't be a problem if it just happens once in awhile...I could make up the time.  But when I got here, someone asked "weren't you supposed to be in training today?"  Ack! Ack!  Ack!

We're supposed to take a minimum of 6.5 training days this year and training's been hard to find.  I finally signed up for this course that I wanted to take last year but it wasn't available.  Now it's here, and I blew it!  Plus my department's budget will still be charged.  My boss is on vacation, but since training is very important to him, I know he's not going to be happy.  And I'm annoyed because I really wanted to take this class.

I think the combination of RA brain, fatigue from tapering the pred, fatigue from trying to do to much, and the stress have conspired against me....

Sound like a rough day! Think of all the people that would gladly take the day you had.

I'm not trying to be a smart A**  but I attempt to keep in mind that it could be a hundred times worse.

Hi, try to be nice to yourself when you are 'trying' to taper. THIS ISN'T a failed test, if we have to go up and down. I was down to 5, but had to take 2mgs. extra after playing golf yesterday and beginning to hurt again!, oh well, I'll taper next week.

 I'm off to Carson city, Thursday, all that packing, and and 8 hour drive from here, and it will be 100 degrees there (60degrees here on the coast??curious a 40 degree change!) also I get altitude 'sickness' and feel really awful for 2 days. My family has all sorts of plans for golf, hiking in the sierras, and tennis! What! My teen age granddaughter doesn't have a clue !, oh well I'll get out of what I can't handle. My son has a new BMW motorcycle, and his old Honda, so he and my husband will go off riding on Saturday, while I garage sale up a storm , they have 50 garage sales in Carson city for some reason!! I love them.

We'll be there Thursday for lunch with my son, then prob. dinner if my daughter in law invites us? and then golf Friday, Sat garage sales and rest , (not tennis), Sunday more golf if I make it, then Monday a hike in the Sierras or HOME. A big schedule of events. We'll see.....Lynda

I'm sorry about your tapering experience and missed training.  It's so hard to taper off Pred.  I'm still on 10 mg and cannot seem to get below it.  I'm hoping that it will go well for you and your fatigue will subside. 

Is your employer understanding?  Hoping that they are and that you can move onward and upward.  I agree with Lydna, be gentle with yourself. 


So sorry, I know the brain fog.  I used to remember everything, now, if I don't write it down, I forget.  I have sticky notes ALL my office, in my car with a pen, on my night stand, on the counter in my kitchen, literally all over the place.  That way when I remember something I have to do, such as pay a bill or make an appt, I always have reminders. 

I know that doesn't help with your missed training but you might want to go out and stock up on some cheap note pads!

I am sorry. I have a lot of those days. I even forget appts. Like just a few mins ago I thought about an appt I had with my gyno that I forgot all about, and that appt was probably 2-3 months ago

Well, I hope when your boss gets back he will be understanding and you will not get into too much "trouble".


 Sorry. Been there, yesterday in fact. Horrible, especially when the brain is reminding you what's going on w/out you. Hopefully it'll pass quickly. Adding higher doses of coffee and tea has been helping and vitamin C in huge doses. Feel Better. ((((hugs))))  Pred tapers are so hard to do.  Maybe look into some provigil for keeping you a little bit more alert?

Jay, you are right that it wasn't much of a bad day in the scheme of things.  It wasn't even such a bad day for me compared to other days in the last 4 weeks.  I just feel so...stoopid!

Monk, I love that line "when the brain is reminding you what's going on w/out you."  So true.  That's the frustrating part!

Liz, when you first mentioned the provigil, I had thought about it, and then forgot about it (RA brain again), and I hope I'll remember it when I go to my next rheumy visit!

Well, what's done is done, but now I have 5 days to worry about what I'm going to say to my boss.  He's generally been pretty understanding, but at some point he's going to have had enough.  I like my job and I'm very good at it, but between lateness, absences and lack of concentration, I worry that at some point I'm going to lose it, along with my health insurance.

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