MTX pill V/S shot. | Arthritis Information


Until the last few days I wasn't aware that MTX was availiable in shot form. Are there advantages between the two? How about the cost? My current co-pay is about .00 a month for oral.

I know this has likely been asked in the past so please be patient for us new people. We were all at one time???

Thanks Jay

I changed from oral to inject. because inject. is easier on your stomach because of delivery.  Also, there is a minute difference in response.  I felt that if I had to take MXT then I wanted 100% response.  It did make a difference.  Shots aren't bad.  My copay is the same .00.  LindyHi, I heard they both work the same, just as said before, one is easier on your stomach. I don't have any problems with the pills, even tho I take 4 one anday and 4 the next day. Spacing them out seems to keep me from being so 'Spacy', I do feel tired, but not bad after the pills. LyndaI went right to injections because I have bad tummy issues and my copay was the cheapest tier I have, for a months supply but I had to buy the syringes but they were cheap, something like .20cents a piece. I think the shots do work a tiny bit better because you absorb more of the medication but if you are not having issues with the pills....most people switch to avoid the gi upset. 

I inject and it is not covered under my insurance but I only pay like 8 bucks a vial for it.  It is a co-pay for the pills for me.  The syringes were for a box of 100. 

Like Michele said...most people switch due to gi issues with the oral mtx.  It does absorb better and you do absorb more of the med with the injections vs. the pills.  Just the delivery system of it. 


Thanks for the input everyone.

