GrammaSkittles!!!!! | Arthritis Information


Gramma are you OK? Hows Danielle doing? Just thinking bout youI've been wondering where grammaskittles is.  Hope things are well with her family, I know her daughter was sick. I have too been wondering about Gramma, was going to post later...when I got more time to sit at the computer. Hope you're okay and Danielle too. 

Aawwww thanks you guys.  I am doing ok.  I had a rough weekend and slept on and off all day yesterday. 

Danielle is still about the same.  Sitll in pain.  Still fatigued.  She is doing her pain meds 2-3 times a day.  She has switched from using a brace to using an ace wrap around her wrist.  She says the ace wrap is more comfy.  Whatever works to keep her wrist still and resting.  She sees the rheumy on Thursday.  We think he is going to change up her meds since he didn't call in like a pred pack or anything for her. 

Danny is battling some serious insomnia so I have been up and down with him since it started.  He has failed 3 meds already commonly used to get people to go to sleep.  He sees the PCP tomorrow for blood work and to try and figure out just what the heck is going on. 

So...I'm tired...have 2 family members I'm really worried about and it is all catching up with me.  You know how it goes...when it rains it pours. 

Thanks for thinking of us!!!

Awww Liz  ::::HUGS:: for all of you up there.  I cannot imagine what you are going through w/ danielle.  How is she handeling it all?  I hope the drs are able to give her something to help her get through this flare and to hopefully prevent one from happening in the future.  Hope Danny gets some sleep as well. 

You get some rest too, I know how I am when everyone in the house is sick.  Try not and over do yourself, we dont want you back in the hospital. 

ENOUGH, ALREADY......jeesh you guys have got to quit this.  We want you all of you healthy and pain free.  At least spread it out over a few months time.  In all seriousness, my hubby and I have talked about what we would do if we both got sick at the same time and you know we haven't come up with a decent answer.  We don't live close to family and I guess we'll do the best we can.  Probably if it were worse than my RA and maybe a hard, longterm treatment we might move closer to my son and DIL or my hubby's niece and nephew. 

I hope that they find an answer to Danny's insomnia or at least find a med that will help him.  You guys have been through an awful lot lately and our thoughts are with all of you.  Lindy

Aw, Liz, you poor bugger...(I sounded very Australian then, lol), you sound rather sane actually amidst the craziness of two sick family members, both of which you are worried about. Hang in there. Hopefully they will be all sorted out soon. 