Important: Please Remember....... | Arthritis Information


I noticed a forum post about fighting on treatments and wanted to make sure everyone remembers that there are no two RA people who are alike.

Some people have just RA, swelling of the joints.  Others have a full body immune response that swells up legs, arms, skin and muscles.  Others get a combo of things including different Arthritis', diabetes, Muscular Disorders etc.

Some people are effected with swelling in the brain that can cause other various symptoms.  Many who have Fibro are very fragile when it comes to chemicals, so breathing and odd swelling may be a symptom.

All this contribute to who can take what kind of medication.  I for one have an allergic chemical attack to methtorexate, plaq, arava etc.  I can only take pred up to 6 months then symptoms happen and i have to get off for 3 months before i start up again.

All people's bodies are different, all symptoms are different and if any one medication worked on everyone, there would only be one medication out there for us.

I know this disease is very frustrating and I know that learning new things about it can bother some people.  But please remember, we are all different, some can take this, while others can only take that.  Some have these symptoms while others only have a couple fingers.

We all vary but one thing is for sure, we all hurt and this forum gives us the support we need to move on.

I for one am always open to new information, new drugs, new natural information, odd discoveries etc.  It helps me try new things when others won't work.

I wish you well.

I agree. That was very thoughtfully written. Take care, KarinYes, that was thoughtfully written, impressively so. Well done and take care. 