Take Enbrel with Cuts/Scrapes? | Arthritis Information


Hello Everyone,

I'm am registering for the 3rd time.  Everytime my husband "cleans" my computer I lose my registration.

My questions is this - I am to take my first Enbrel shot tomorrow and I have some small cuts and scrapes from gardening, etc.  Should I take the shot or wait until they are healed (which seems to take forever now!)?  Currently on MTX, plaquenil, sulfasalazine, folic acid, leucovorin.

I trust ya'll opinions and advice.



shouldn't be a problem with just surface stuff but if you are really concerned please call your doctor and get their opinion


Thanks Buckeye!

What about when you have something and you know it is a virus?  Inject or not?  My rheumy does not return phone calls unless you are having an interesting (TO HIM) side effect.



i always based it on whether I had a fever or not.  Running a fever skip the injection, no fever inject.  Anti biotics no injection either.  But again this is something to clarify with your doctor.  It may be a question that the nurse will answer for you

The scarpes should not be a problem.  If you are worried call your doc.

Amazing on how our docs opinions are different on when to do shots and when not to.  MTX I can do with no fever and on antibiotics.  Humira I can't do if I have either. 

It is strange the difference in the doc's response and in the different meds.  I inject and have infusions with scrapes and little cuts.  Have never had an open sore or any other infection.  Had slight sinus congestion but went ahead and took meds with no bad consequences.  Don't do as I do, instead call your RD.  His office help can ask him/her and get back to you.  I just had a TKR and started MTX 8 days post op and will get my infusion at 3 weeks post op.  Incision and knee look and feel fine, no sign of infection. (knocks on wood)  Lindy

Thanks for your input.  Neither doc nor nurse return calls for questions.  Will have to wait 3 months til next appt for answers.  No other rheumy in area.


PJ...they don't return calls?  Very undoctorly. You should tell him that.I've been known to go wait in the reception area of my docs office if I haven't received a call back.  Usually all I have to do is present myself to the front office and state why I'm there and I have my answer in just a few minutes.  I've only had to do it twice.  My RD and primary both now return my calls.  They should respect you and return your calls.  It may be extra added stress to go to the office but I can guarantee it will work.  Lindy

Good job Lindy! Glad to hear the knee is healing nicely and that you're able to get back on track with your meds!

You could also call the Enbrel 800 number.  I know w/ Humira they have nursed that you can call and ask questions like that.  My dr says the same thing buckeye said, if I have a fever or am on antibiotics I cant do my shots but no fever I am able to do my shots.
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