newly diagnosised | Arthritis Information


Along with ra, pa, diabeties, now today I was diag. with fibromyalgia. what gives with me. I always thought that fibromyalgia was a non- disease, really.

Have you ever tried glyconutritionals? They would help you tremendously with all of your symptoms!! The company has just come out with a 180 satisfaction guarantee... if you are not happy with the results, just return it and get all your money back!!E-mail me if you would like more info:)


Hi Vanessa,

I have RA, OA, Sjogren's and fibromyalgia. I got diagnosed with the fibro and OA long before I got the RA diagnosis. It is common to have more than  one autoimmune disease and if you go on the ra message boards you'll find tons of people who also have fibro. Fibro affects the muscles and tendons making you stiff and sore. There are about 18 various trigger points that when pressed produce pain. That's how the diagnosis is made because the lab findings are negative. Also, people with fibro have sleep difficulties and non restorative sleep when they do sleep. There is fatigue involved but that's true of RA too. Many people with fibro have irritable bowel syndrome and food/drug sensitivities.

So how do you survive? Working with the doctor or PT to find a reasonable exercise routine will help you to stay mobile and help with the sleep. Warm water exercises really help me but nothing too fast or twisty.Walking on flat surfaces is a good exercise. A hot bath right before beds helps with the aches and i get to sleep. Rest during the day when you need to but no long naps that will keep you up at night. Don't exercise or eat or drink anything with cafeine later in the day. Do some meditation or relaxation techniques to keep those muscles from tensing up. Adjust your work schedule so you can change activities and have rest periods.

I am doing much better than when I was diagnosed with all this 3 years ago. I'm still working at 61. The newer biologics for RA are helping many to live lives that would have been impossible 10 years ago.

Fibromyalgia is huge in itself. So so many symptoms. I just started Lyrica 3 days ago for my fibro. I can see results already and hopefully will let me stop the anti depressant Endep which i am taking for fibro. Research is really helpful. Read all you can about it. 