The Complicated Futility of Ignorance | Arthritis Information


In Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s book "Hocus Pocus" the lead character discovers a bunch of fancy machines in the attic of the elite college he teaches at. The machines turn out to be attempts at perpetual motion machines made by the college's founder. The college founder was an uneducated man who had never learned Newton's Laws of Motion. If only he had he would have known perpetual motion was impossible and would not have wasted his life trying to do the impossible. The main character cleans the machines up and displays them in the foyer of the college with a big sign which reads: The Complicated Futility of Ignorance.

I bring this up because on this forum we often get into long involved debates about the credibility of certain things, most notably about the credibility of antibiotic therapy treatment. But many of the people arguing that the theory of an infectious cause to RA is bogus are actually not even familiar with what that theory is. A lot of energy and time is wasted debating when people are not well versed of the fact and theory on both sides. I think if you are going to strenuously argue against the theory of AP you should at least take the time to become familiar with it. The New Arthritis Breakthrough is quite easy to read and it really explains the theory and science (as well as cleary diferentiating the two) behind AP quite well and in layman's terms, you can probably borrow it from the library, and that makes it a good place to start. That way, you can present your anti-AP stance from a position of knowledge and credibility!

For those interested in the politics that have supressed this treatment over the years, there's a book called "Why Arthritis". It's a bit more of a slog and I admit I have only read parts of it so far.

But the point of this post is just to ask, please, if you're on a campaign for or against something, at least gather some facts to debate from rather than to doggedly sticking to ignorance or downright lies. I think we can all benefit and much time and energy could be conserved for better more useful endeavours. Gimpy-a-gogo39294.5302314815

Hi, my experience is tht you can't control what people say or do. Trying to convince someone one way or the other doesn't make sense. I appreciate your 'scientific knowledge' but this is a complicated disease and people want to believe there are 'down to earth causes for it' , either way people post what they think is important to them.

 I think we all make up our minds according to our own research. (I know I can't survive without the super drugs....I've tried). It is frustrating, and dangerous to think of going without these joint saving medications. I have damage to prove that too. Lynda

Lynda, I agree you can't control people, but I think you're missing the point of my post. I'm not advocating people use one treatment over another, I'm advocating people argue from a point of fact and knowledge. But you're right, if people want to debate from a position of ignorance no one can change that! Hi, I know how you feel. Sorry, this is sooo frustrating. Lynda

Has anybody seen the movie "Chicken Run?."  The movie was a metaphor for RA and AI diseases.

Ah...which if you haven't seen, is exactly what the 2 of you just said.


Was it really Pip!?  Do you know why they used it as a metaphor for RA and AI diseases?

Sorry - I was thinking that when I was watching it.  That's my opinion. 

The chickens are all behind barbed wire and this one chicken keeps hatching these hare brained plots to escape.  There's this one point in the movie where some of the other chickens think it'll be OK to be a pot pie and the lead chicken, Ginger, is sitting on the roof looking at all the barbed wire surrounding her and she says "It's not the wire out side, it's the wire inside, the fences, in our minds" or something to that effect. 

And I thought - that's us.  That's what we have to see around to heal.  Which is what GoGo and Linda are saying. 

On a more upbeat note, I do know:

"The Lost Boys" was a metaphor about drug addiction.

The song "Refuge" (Dire Straits? Mark Knoppler?) is about Herpes.


