Urgent request for support | Arthritis Information


Hi guys

I've been to see my GP to get pain relief until my rhemy comes back off holiday. I also went to see her because I wanted to check my 3 sets of bloods against each other to see if the pain I'm feeling is psycholgical as opposed to being real (you know how you can get when you do the questioning thing and when you are new to all this).

Anyway she ran off my results and my RF has gone from 19 to 219 in two months.

She at least was able to give me some pain relief. Now its really, really official, I feel distraught, relieved.... I've obviously been in the denial stage.

I needs hugs.



I hope the pain med give you some relief till the Doc. comes back. Call them every day untill they get tired of you and (squeeze you in).

I have never seen any of my results of anything! I need to become a more informed patient.

My AP doc said a high RF was a sign tht the body was fighting like hell to beat the infection but was losing.  Mine went up a total of 353 points (doubling) in a 4 month period.


P.S.  Hugs, hugs, hugs.

Hi Sarah , Oh I'm so pleased your pain will get attended to. I can't tell you how pain can affect your MIND. I had so much for several months I was flat on my back with agony. Good work sorting this all out.  A huge big hug, and wish I was there to give it to you in person. Lynda

Ray, I didnt have a clue about much till I hit this site. I did go in armed to the teeth with questions today and my GP logged onto the hospital's database and printed off all my tests results and answered all my queries.

I've got to eat to take the pain relief...... the last thing I feel like doing is eating.... feel a bit sick to be honest.

Had a good cry, really rung the tears out

I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous but I almost cant wait to see my rhemy to see how he feels now. You know the look when they ask you on a scale of 1 - 10 where are you, when I saw him in Jun I said about an 8.... I got the look!

All I could think about on the way home apart from being sick was speaking to you boys and girls, its very comforting having you all on line willing and ready to pass out the hugs and sympathy.  I'm wallowing in it

Not to worry.  You're on the right track, you did what you needed to do and the RD will take it from there.  He/she has dealt with high blood test numbers before and will know exactly what to do.  Keep us posted on your progress, please.

Hugs to you.

Just so you know, the test results do not always confirm what you are feeling. Mine are always normal (sero-neg RA) sometimes even the CRP is normal too.

Believe me it is not in my head. My rhuemy has no problem believing me either.

Hugs on their way from me as well....Im sorry you are in pain right now.. (but it got the bathrooms cleaned eh? )  Just remember someone is always on so if you need to vent, cry or ask a question that may sound silly at the time, we are here.  When I was first diagnosed w/ RA my RF was really high (dont remember the exact number off hand, and will do some searching to find it) but once I finally got on the right combination of medications I became stero-negative but my dr has never questioned wether or not the pain was there, he may not always do something about it but he never doubts me.  Good luck when you do get in to see your RD, and let us know how it goes This is the hardest time. Really, the first year is the worst. Seek counselling if
you have to, be really nice to yourself, and plan to live a happy life in the

Oh Sarah,

I'm so sorry you are feeling so badly.  I hope you get in to see your doctor really quickly - that really is a huge increase.  I know the feeling of feeling better knowing that it's not in your head - but it also being scary and upsetting all at the same time. 

Please let us know how you are doing.  Hang in there - we are here for you.


We all need them from time to time. I think we all know what it is like to have what you are feeling, validated. You actually have proof that you are in pain!

As everyone else said, please sign on often, even if it is just to check in and let us know how you are. We all care about you.

Big, gentle hugs,


So sorry. It is so hard finding out. We understand. We've all been in that boat. I hope you are able to get in to see the doctor quickly. Hugs, Karin

Boy, do you ever need a nice long gentle hug so one is on the way!  Things will get better, just you wait and see and in the meantime, we are all here for you and feeling your pain.

Take care I am so sorry but your gp sounds very nice and hopefully the pain meds will take the edge off until that rheumy gets back to you!  Love and hugs

Sarah- So sorry, its the flaming pits when this happens.Your G.P sounds like a good one ( rare these days) so you are in good hands.


I hope you feel better SOON , I am thinking of you

Yes, hugs are definitely goood, so here's some more for you.

How are you doing today Sarah?  Sending prayers, hugs and thinking about you!



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