thumb problem | Arthritis Information


Hi guyz, i'm new here. Anyway i had a big problem for many years. I'm 16 now and i hope to be an artist. But artist need flexible hands.

My problem, (Not sure the name Skier Thumb or thumb Arthritis)

I got a weak and shaky thumb, and also it feel shaking when i hold something between my thumb and my index fingers. When i try to relax it, it feel shaky too, and my thumb seems to be abit unstable. when i try to move my thumb from top the bottom, a pain suddenly come between my thumb and wrist, and if u touch that part u can feel bones are rubbing each other.

It even create greed... sound when u bring your hand toward your ear and move your thumb.

I found it pretty unatural, and my left hand thumb is very flexible.

I had seen 2 doctors and even had a X- Ray. and they said nothing happen, my muscle and bone are normal. So i decided to try finding a chinese doctor, i'm from singapore anyway, they said its because i over stretch my thumb when i was young. And the doctor answer to me, there is no cure for this. i was really very sad.

Anyway here a video, but my handphone camera not really good so the shakiness may not be same then the reality, anyway it show where the pains come. ch?v=NoZhFC9_KFM

So is there anything i can do to try to cure this? is there really no hope? or maybe singapore doctors are too inexperience or not aware of this situation? Can it be healed? If there is please help me out, thanks.
