Waste of time and money | Arthritis Information


I just went to see the ENT.I bet he spent less than 5 minutes with me.Looked in my ears,back of my throat and said everything was fine.Ear pain maybe from jaw and gritting teeth.But my main concern was the hoasreness.I had to ask him what should I do, he suggested throat loageners.I am so mad.I spent   for nothing.The hoarseness is real bad at times and other times its not so bad.My throat hurts and yet all he can say is it looks fine.All in less than 5 minutes.I feel so bad for spending the money that we don't have.I have yet to hear from this reheumy.I found.I have called 2 days in a row and left a message to set up an appt.I know my gp sent my blood work to him.Is he not calling me back because my blood work was fine?I guess I will call one more time,if I don't hear back this time,I quit.Too much going on with everyone and the house.

It sure does seem that life just sucks at times, but lets try to look at this in a different perspective.  It's good that all in your throat looked fine, better than finding out something was horribly wrong.  If it took that you don't have to find that out, so be it, it was worth it because Carrie needs you and you must take care of yourself.  Probably just a sign that you are flaring.   Dr's are often idiots.  The RD could probably help you more with the hoarsness, but it sounds like yours is like mine and you're lucky to get a call back.  Persist, don't feel that he is not calling you back because your bloodwork is neg.  Mine is pos and mine does'nt call me back either(it takes my calling 2 or 3 times and then takes him up to 4 days to call back). Is there another RD within your ins network?  I'm stuck with mine, maybe you're not.

I am so sorry that you feel your world is falling apart.....hang on, it will get better. It is so hard to find strength when you are getting pounded in every direction.  You are a wonderful mother and Carrie needs you that is where your stength is you said it yourself, so make that your focus and screw everthing else.

I am  thinking of you and praying for you and your family,

We are with you Sheila,



Dear Sheila,

Sometimes we are not always in control of all things around us and often we forget that there is good in some things we think are bad because it's not what we want at the moment.


Maybe, the message below, will help you through your time of need.


May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courage and optimism. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace. May a kind word, a reassuring touch, and a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.





Toni~That was really nice.

Sheila, There's not much I can say right now that will help. Just know we're all here for you when ever you need a shoulder to lean on.

I'll continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

Sheila, the hoarseness  and sore throat may be due to inflammation from RA which can effect the vocal cords.  My lymph nodes even swell.  Look on the bright side, you don't have strep throat that you could give to your daughter; you would have had to pay for a shot, RX and throat culture in additional to the office visit!!       


Sheila  I really feel for you.  For me, once I get to feeling that hopeless feeling, it seems like things are just spiraling out of control, nothing I can do will stop it, and I'm on a one way ticket to going completely out of my mind.  What I have learned from these times is that the things going wrong in my life will continue, and I needed to find a way to cope no matter what.  I'm not trying to sound trite or minimize your pain.  I know how it feels-it landed me in hospital as the docs felt I was a danger to myself.  There are lots of tools use can use to cope-this board is a great one.  Also find a board on depression.   It seems to be a wonderful side effect of most chronic illnesses.  Finally, believe, like me and others here,  that you will get through this.  Focus on your love for Carrie.  In the end, that's what matters the most, love. 

You are in my prayers, and bzzzzzzz-can you feel the good vibes I'm sending your way?

Love, Cheryl

Shelia -

I know how you feel. I do not have the hoarseness problem, But I do have the financial problem. Probably not as bad as yours, BUT I have been worrying about our financial problems too.

I do not want to go to the doc, until hubby finds out how much my labs will cost after insurance pays. I do not want to make more bills for us, since we are having problems paying the ones we have now. I do not want my health to put us further in the hole.

Life does get better. Just know that we are hear for you when you need to vent. We might not have the answer or helpful advice, but we will support you.

Hope things start to look up for ya.


I know life sucks for you right now, and believe me I have been there more than once. Everyone around me kept saying that it would get better. I hated that then but in truth in did get better. It took awhile but I could finally see things looking up for me. So just know that we are thinking about you and hoping the best for your family. And trust me THINGS WILL GET BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! Just dont hate me for saying it tho.


Sheila~you're lucky to have us girlfriend!!

Man, what I would have done to have had this support 12 years ago when I was first starting out.

I've told my sobb story before and I won't go into the long drawn out story, but the stress of everything you are going through could very well be what's making you so ill now to begin with. Stress; whether it's emotional, financial or whatever can bring this stuff out in us. I think I have pretty much come to the realization that years ago while dealing with a bad marriage, serious financial problems and two small children practically on my own caused this moster to rise in me.

Truth is all these years later I'm happier than I've ever been. I've got an incredible husband. Two older children that are fabulous and two step kids I love (all of which only spend 1/2 their time with me...and I see this as a bonus free time) and I am fairing financially better than I ever have in my adult life (That's not saying TOO much; but I'm fairly comfortable) Point is;  even with my emotional stability...I still have RA and it's progressed more and more every year.

Stress can do so much harm to people with this disease. Anything and everything you can do to minimize it the better off you'll be.

I honestly believe that having a support group like this one...whether we're talking about the latest treatments, what's hurting us today...or where we are from, this is a group of people that knows first hand what we're feeling. I never had that before this year and I never knew what a difference it would make in my life. That's why I say you're lucky to have us.

And we're lucky to have you!!

Sheila,  Just fyi.  I get sore throats regularly and my lymph nodes swell.  In fact it is going on right now.  It usually coincides with a flare.  It is your immune system working overtime.  Lovie is right, ra definitely is effected by stress so try to unwind.  You may be helping to propell a vicious cycle.  Do something to nurture yourself, enjoy your family and look for positive things in life.  There is so much beauty in this world.  Look at the compassion you have found, we all have found, on this website - FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD !!!!!!
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