OT Bridge Collapse | Arthritis Information


 Oh My Gosh!  Has everyone seen or heard about this bridge collapsing in Minneapolis? It's a horrible tragedy, happened about 6pm this evening their time. Please pray or send good thoughts to these poor people, some are trapped under the bridge in the Mississippi  river, some killed , some critical, some drowned. I've watched in horror all evening. Do we have anyone that lives in this area? Hope all are safe that do.I read that it was bumper to bumper traffic when it went down, with easily 100 cars on that bridge.  How awful.What a horrible tragedy. Thoughts and prayers are with all the families involved.Horrible tragedy indeed. My first thought when I heard about it was terrorism. Glad that's not the case.Gale, isn't it sad that terroism is the first thing we think of in a tragedy like this?  My prayers go out to everyone that is involved in this horrible tragedyThe bridge was built in 1967, and was currently under repairs. I believe so far only 3 deaths have been reported, but there are MANY very serious injuries. It may sound cruel, but they were very lucky. This could have been MUCH worse. There was no tilting or tipping involved. It simply dropped to ground level.

As far as I know, no one on the board was there - our closest peeps would be Liz, I think. But they're way on the other side of WI.

Hopefully everyone else will come out alright.... Very say. And unfortunately, it's probably going to be a long time before terrorism is a long forgotten word.


 Sadly terrorism was the first thing I thought of too. Last report I heard was 7 confirmed deaths and still a lot of cars and people in the water. Has anyone heard them say how deep the water is there?

At its headwaters, apparently (according to a google link) it's only about 3 feet deep. But it can get up to 200 feet, however it quotes that section around New Orleans. Sooooooo with that section of the river being closer to the headwaters, probably not very deep. I think the problem is the speed the water is traveling. At the Mississippi's headwaters, the SURFACE water is moving appx, 1.2 mph. It picks up speed slowly from there, to 3mph at its end in New Orleans.

And there's your geography lesson for the day.


  Thank you katie

 JEEZE!!! wouldn't you hate to think that a jackhammer could bring down something this size!!! What was it held together with... bobby pins and elmers glue?????

  PPffftttt !!! It has passed inspection as late as 2006!!! Heads are gonna roll on this call I bet

It's hard to say. It depends on who's in charge of the investigation, and who's at fault. It would be sad to see (yet not surprising in this day and age) someone not be held responsible - even if it's obviously someones fault. Worst case scenario, they'll blame it on something random and obscure. Best case, they'll take the time to do such an investigation that something like this won't happen again.

We have SO MANY bridges here - hello, half my town is an island - I have no idea what the policy is for inspection after a hurricane, and neither does ANYONE I know. After seeing this, I have to admit I got a lot more nervous crossing the two bridges that I do every day, twice a day......they've been hit by 3 hurricanes in the past 5 years and I honestly can't recall seeing anyone working on them before, during, or after any storm. Makes me kinda wonder......
ooOOhHHH  Katie, you live in Fla. don't you? I lived in W Palm Beach for awhile and loved it, except for the bridges. My daughter has a phobia of high bridges over water. Almost to the point of hyperventalating. Anytime we vacation in coastal areas shes a basket case. I personally love bridges. The higher the better

I personally HATE bridges! You're warped I tell ya, WARPED!! 


 Brisen you bout made me p all over myself !!!

I am in shock!  We've heard they think at least 50 cars went into the Mississippi. Also, this being such a main road between Minneapolis and St. Paul, it will getting around very difficult.

The construction workers said they were just doing road repair when it happened. One of the 18 workers is missing. There had to have been a major defect that had been missed.

My heart goes out to those families. You always think you'll have tomorrow. It's really hard to be here in Korea and not know about so many friends and if they are all ok.

My daughter said my whole family across the country called to see if they were ok so it's nice to know my family is well looked after while we are gone.

If you want to see local coverage, you can check out these local networks:






Thank you Becky for posting those links.  We have had a little on our news here this evening, but I got in late ad only caught the tail end. I'm sending luv and prayers to all involved people and their families and friends.

I'm pleased to know your kids are Ok, and hope that you get word of your friends soon.

Woke up in the middle of the night and saw it on Sky news. How awful.I just saw on Fox news that they have stopped the search until daylight but they fear more cars are in the water than first thought.

Thinking and praying for all those involved

This is such a terrible tragedy.  Things like this always make me so sad because I can feel for the people who have lost loved ones.  Based on what I just read, it seems the middle of the bridge is the part that collapsed.  I wonder how minor those issues were when they did their inspection.  Definitely sounds like someone dropped the ball here.One of the few reasons I like the area I live in - our newspaper editor had the SAME thoughts that I did "gee, I don't recall seeing anyone touch our bridges, even after hurricanes"

So what's he doing about it? Sending all of his top reporters out to pressure the govt into testing them all, and releasing a full report to the public.

Sometimes I like our newspaper people........

I live 20minutes from the bridge, my friend just called me, told me her ex-husband was one of them working on the bridge. he lost his buddy and fellow worker. He helped the survivors. I guess he is atr home today drinking, he said he couldnt get it out of his head,loss of limbs,blood,screaming. There are 20-30 missing bodies still so i am sure the dealth rate will go up.


Kel: That must have been awful for him.  I can't imagine how terrible and helpless someone who was there would feel.  20-30 missing bodies is a huge count.

As if I needed another reason to not like bridges.  I live in MA and we had some serious issues with falling ceiling tiles one of the major tunnels in Boston.  The Big Dig has been a fiasco since they finished it from what I understand.  Yesterday there was news of sewer grates and manhole covers flying off and going through people's windshields or causing accidents.  I think I'll be staying close to home.

My cousin in-law would normally be on that bridge....he's on it everyday at that time. However...he was just diagnosed with cancer and had his first chemo treatment about a week ago and was not feeling well yesterday, so he stayed home from work.  My other cousin's best friend called her on her way home from work and she had just went over the bridge not more than 5 mins before it fell. So so scary. I've been on that bridge numerous times too---and I HATE IT, but then again- I hate any bridge over water! My worst fear ever is a bridge doing exactly what this one does. I always cling to my husband's hand when we go over a bridge....ugh- another one I hate is going over the Mississippi into LaCrosse Wisconsin. Gives me shivers just thinking about it!

OH! I know that bridge. We go to LaCrosse all the time when I'm up home on vacation.


You guys have no idea what CRAP this has done to my anxiety. I already can't stand it when traffic is backed up across the bridges here..........I'm unmedicated as is, so I have panic attacks VERY easily. I thought I was going to pee myself on the way to work today.


THIS SUCKS!! >.< Ugh!


I'm really hoping they don't find any more dead people. :( Maybe I'm crazy but I keep hoping that the people trapped in their cars, were *just* trapped, and they're okay. Just waiting to be rescued. *sigh*

Katie- Yep, we go over that bridge by LaCrosse all the time on the way to my relatives in Tomah. Do you know where that is? We actually go on the "newer" one, I believe. There's the big blue one...that one is SUPER scary, and then there's another one a bit further up the road, that's actually the one we go on.  From what I heard...there's some cars that actually have concrete on top of them, they can't even get to the cars underneath. Probably won't find anymore survivors I wouldn't think....

Now I don't know if I want to trust a bridge or not. Those poor people probably trusted the inspectors word that this one that fell was safe. But what can you do? Sometimes you have no choice but hold your breath and go. What I really hate that smothers me to death are tunnels that go under water, like the James River and Chessapeak(sp) Bay tunnels in Virginia *shudders*. I had a terrible time in Va Beach just dreading the trip back! Never went back either

 Even though I pray for the families that lost loved ones I really feel sad for those that have family still in their cars underwater. That would have to be a nightmare. I am so glad that our posters that have family and friends there are safe. Hopefully this will light a fire under the autharities tales to have all bridges inspected to a safer standard. Good luck in Fla. Katie.


I used to LOVE those tunnels in VA. We lived there for 3 years.


But now I've seen that stupid movie with..who was it? Sly? Where they're trapped in the tunnel and all the water is coming it?


Forget it. No thanks.

To all with friends and loved ones in Minnesota, my prayers are with you and your families.  May God bless.

I can't count how many times I've gone over that bridge. It's eight lanes - a huge one and very busy. It was rush hour traffic and the cars were bumper to bumper - hardly moving, One of our dear friends was within a minute of going on the bridge when it collapsed.

Everyone knows there are many, many more dead. Many cars went off the bridge before it hit the water because it twisted as it fell, and then the bridge fell on top of them. The river is pretty impressive there already and deep - the current has been a problem for rescuers. It's not far from a lock and there is a lot of traffic on that river.

We covet your prayers.


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