eye doesn’t want to open | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had problems with their eyelid not wanting to open? I started having a problem about 4 months ago to the point where I have to push open my eye lid (only on the right eye) in the morning.  The last couple days I feel like my eyes want to close ..but not a heavy or tired feeling...just that they need to close.  Also, my eyes have recently felt like they are "spinning in the sockets" but I don't feel dizzy. Also have dry eyes and now I am getting "gunk" that is floating around in my eye and I have to fish it out a couple times a day (it doesn't go in the corner of my eye...it just floats around on my eyeball and I will see it as it passes ) I found while searching on line for an answer a condition called Benign Essential Blepharospasm I don't know if it could be it. But would like to hear if anyone else has had the problem. One thing I do know but don't know if it is related is that it started about 2 weeks after my first treatment of Remicade.  Any help would be appreciated :)  Karen

Hi, I had that about 5 years ago, (the sticking eyelid, problem) and I had plugs put into my ducts. Now the water doesn't escape (or something like that. I also put ointment/eye drops into my eyes before the plugs.

I take remicade , also, but haven't had any problems like that. Lynda

I have that sticking eyelid problem too.  Like Lynda I had plastic plugs put in my lower eye duct so that the few tears I have now (since RA) won't drain out.  I also take restasis, a prescription med for the extreme dryness.  Hope this helps.

I find it an interesting topic.

I also am on Remicade 5th infusion. I have not had any sticking but have had a dryness. If the air moving then they sometimes burn like you got smoke from a fire in them. I had thought about it being linked to the RX.

Hi cool subject

I was on Remiicade no eye proplems it just never worked' prednisolone will give you eye proplems big time. Just started the new BFG of drugs to deal with RA: Mabthera\rituximab B cell killer

regards :gigabyte






Hi Karen,

When first reading this, I was reminded of when I had Bell's Palsy as a teenager.  It affected the left side of my face, as if it was frozen.  My friend's daughter came down with it a year before she was diagnosed with RA, and they asked if it was common in RA patients - to which I have no idea. 

It seems as if the other posters here have more insight (no pun intended) as to what you're going through.  Hope all will be well.


Good luck on Rituxan.  I have had 2 rounds of it now.

I just had the plugs put in today as a matter of fact.  I was reading a pamplet in the Opthamologist's office that said, people w/RA and Lupus almost always develop dry eyes.  I have secondary Sjorgrens so, my eyes always hurt and yes I get the sticky right eye thing.  It's like that almost every morning.  I have been on Restasis for 2 months and it really didn't help me very much.  I also get Uveitis, so have been on 3 rounds of pred eye drops already this year.

I sure hope the plugs help.  Its hard to tell right now.  My eye doc had me make a follow-up appt and will put plugs in the upper ducts at that time if I am still having problems.

Be careful if you are seeing floaters.  Last December I was seeing floaters and felt like the surface of my eyes were sandpaper.  Eye doc found a tear in my Retina and had to have it repaired w/laser.

Severe dry eyes can aggrevate all of these problems so get your eyes checked ok?  The retina thing scared me, so I go in every time they get bad.  It's nothing to fool around with.

OK, off the soap box now


Hi, I have 'floaters' in my eyes, also and the doc said don't worry about them...so I don't. They bugged me at first when I was reading but I never see them anymore. gotten use to them , I guess.  LyndaKs, I have that problem too.  I use an eye wipe in the AM and PM to wipe away all allergins and such.  They are pretty easy to find.  I get mine at Walgreens.  They are eye scrubs and there are a couple of companies that make them.  I would definitely try that.  I have plugs in my eyes as well, and they help with the dryness.  Blufferitis is a condition caused by allergins in the eyes.Please get it checked soon. It can lead to ripping the cornea which (i can attest to personally) is one of the most painful things that can happen to you. I have plugs also which help but I still have to put Lacrilube in my eyes every night and sleep with a mask to keep my eyes from drying out. Apparently one of my eyelids opens on its own at night.


IF A DOCTOR TELLS YOU FLOATERS ARE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, GO TO ANOTHER OPTHAMOLOGIST.  That is crazy.  Floaters are the first sign of possible tears in your retina.  Floaters are what made them check to see if I had a tear.

Sorry, but that is just wrong, run, don't walk to another eye doc.


I've had floaters off and on for about 15 years. My eye doctor also told me they are most often nothing to worry about, but they can also be the sign of a serious problem, so you should most definitely have your eyes checked to make sure you fall into the first category and not the second.  Good luck and keep us posted. 
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