Harry Potter & RA Brain | Arthritis Information


I am a massive Harry Potter fan.

WOW THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY FOR HARRY POTTER. SON PAID £5.00 FOR HIS THE DAY IT CAME OUT. I WISH I'D KNOWN AND I WOULD HAVE SENT IT TO YOUOh, Pin, that is such a nice thought, thank you. Yeah, a tad expensive hey?

I wondered why I couldnt get into any reading, it def. must be RA Brain. I love reading but just lately I cant even make myself understand the Blurb.

Anyways... my daughter has yet to read any of the books

I asked her why she did not read Harry Potter, she said because some of the words are too hard for her. *crazy look* I then told her to read them and when she got to a word she could not pronounce or understand to go ask her daddy.


Yeah, Pin, it is RA brain...the reading thing. I seem to go through patches of it. When I don't have RA brain, I am a really fast and intense reader...so this is a tad frustrating.

Joonie, that is hilarious. You described it well, I am very visual and could see daughter and her actions clearly from your words.

I totally understand RA brain!


Well, those Harry Potter books got longer with each one!

They are good reads, though. I am currently mucking my way thru book 7.  Danielle that stinker read it in like 2.5 days. 

Me too, I've had mine for 2 weeks and havent had the energy to even read page 1

I went to see the latest HP film two weeks ago and it was mega brill, the best so far. Maybe I'll just wait for the last 2 to come out.... now how lazy is that

I've just been to see two shows at the Edinburgh Festival. Faith Brown & the Buff Boys (what a shock), they got down to the buff and celebrated it... legally allowed to letch at young naked men running, singing and dancing, now that really is cheep therapy.

That said I laughed sooooo much my face hurt.


I was one of the crazy goofballs who got talked into going to a midnight release by younger son and his girlfriend. They wanted to be the first ones to get them, but they aren't allowed out that late, so off we went. Son started reading it the minute he got it in his hot little hands. He finished it by 10am the next morning. When gf's mother found out she called him a dumb ass, lol. I love her to pieces...

Oh... owiedeb you think that is bad?

MIL went into Wal-Mart that night after work to by groceries, it was about 11:45pm. She said there were people lined up and some had been there for hours. This wal-mart mind you is between 2 big cities about 40-60 miles away to each city. So, there probably was no need to stand in line at midnight at our wal-mart, because I do not think there are that many readers in this city

Anyways... we go to wal-mart the next day and there it is the table they set up for the harry potter book, FILLED with stacks and stacks of the book and next to the table was a few boxes full of the book too.

Some teenagers were walking by about the same time hubby said "look at all these books, and people were standing in line at midnight and they could have just came this morning or afternoon and got one. Those DUMBASSES!" The teenagers laughed and agreed. Yeah, HP fans can be just a tad crazed which is why when you get the damn book and then have RA brain, one gets a tad annoyed. Lol, walmart was where we went! They just wanted to be the first to read it. Son has read the previous ones so many times they are falling apart. He is one of those kids who gets in trouble for reading during class instead of doing what he is supposed to. My fault. When my boys were little, I rewarded them with books and when they learned to read (one was 3 and the other 4 1/2) they got stars on the fridge for each chapter book they finished which gave them that many books to pick out at the bookstore each week. I was one of those kids too, Deb...who read in class and my mother spent my childhood finding me in cupboards reading when I supposed to be doing chores or piano practice. Your son may be destined to be a writer.  We haven't gotten ours yet. We went to town the day after it was released, a 35 mile drive and every store had sold out, all 4 major retailers. The girls are bummed, but they haven't been able to keep them in stock yet. Everytime we go to town, we ask, and no one has it. I should probably order it on line, but then have to pay shipping too. I wish they weren't so big, I won't be able to read it in bed.

Hi guys,

What is RA brain?  I've always had difficulty concentrating while reading, going over pages sometimes 5x or more before it sinks in.  Been this way all my life, but had to work extra hard to get and keep my good grades.  Thought everybody was like this.

Last year I was on jury duty, and my mind totally wandered.  It was as if I'd blanked out during some of the testimony.  Thankfully, the guy was not on trial for prison time - auto accident.  I had to get the info from other jurors and documents presented.

Took some test on line, told my shrink, and was diagnosed with Adult ADD.  Am now taking ritalin when I can afford it, saving it for days when concentrating is of supreme importance.

Anybody else have this? I am glad that I am not the only adult who is a Potter fan.  I reserved a copy several weeks before (for my daughter of course).  My husband and daughter finished it quickly, but I have had problems reading it due to the lack of concentration and memory.  This sucks!  I used to have a great memory.  Not anymore!  But it is a great book (at least what I remembered of it)

I'll be chatting and forget words, I know what I want to say but the words just not available. I end up saying 'it begins with ?' and hoping that my family can guess what I mean. I do the stampy thing with the feet out of sheer frustration and then yell at my hubby because he hasnt got it yet (what a bitch hey)? Just as well he's a laid back, gentle sole to my noisy oneYeah, RA brain is sucky and unpredictable like the rest of this disease 
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