little successes with enbrel | Arthritis Information


after 3 injections, i washed the dishes with no pain, and I can now walk up and down stairs with no pain.   so happy I can do these things again after such a short time on Enbrel.

Congratulations Anna!  I took my second injection of Embrel and I feel almost like new except for a little fatigue still.  Off the Pred Gabapentine and any other pain killers.  First six month is free thanks to my medical insurance and Embrel paying 100% co-payment for six months.  I'm glad to hear it's working for you.  Also...very little discomfort to me during the actual injection... yahoo!

what happens after six months?  will you be able to stay on enbrel?
Congrats Anna - it's great to hear of all your successes!

Very cool !!!

I'm sure you missed washing dishes. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!  that is awesome.  Gives new meaning to the phrase that the little things mean a lot.  I am happy that you are on the road to getting better!!!! 

If you really missed washing dishes I'm sure my girls wouldn't mind if you came over and did some for them lol. 

Anna- I am really happy for you.Its come at a good time for you after feeling so bad. Long may it continue.........

I am loading my dishes into the car as I speak


Great news Anna.  Long may no pain reign!!

Anna...Embrel has a program here in USA that covers 100% of the co-pay for up to six months or 0, which ever comes first.  After that...I'll have to pay for my own co-pay of

HOWEVER...I'm sure that my medical insurance has an annual prescription limit...and the ,000 a year Embrel will eat that up real fast...

Now, enbrel is ALL I take for my RA.  I pray we never have to go off of it!

Re washing dishes.   ok it sounds mad and I definitely thought so the other day.   we suffer horribly with this illness, and then when we get a bit of feeling better what do we do .... clean the house, do the garden, all those chores we couldn't do because we were in too much pain.   it is mad, mad, mad, but there you go..... you would think that we would want to drive through Paris in a sports car or something glam like that .... but no!  there's the dishes and housework to do!!!!
I suppose that's just life!
