Hives and Causes | Arthritis Information


K, thought MTX helped w/ skin stuff? I just read, strawberries have ginormous amounts of histamines and can be awful for people w/ food allergies. Tomatoes. I love pinapple, but if I leave any of the rind on at all, it makes my lips and tongue swell. I've never been diagnosed w/ any. However, when my daughter and I had our scratch tests done years ago, we blew up almost every sample for the weeds, grasses, trees, and animals. Horrible afternoon, better after massive doses of beneadryl. I've read there is no link of allergies to ra, but it makes you think. I wonder how many folks have skin disorders and extreem allergies as well as these wonderful diseases we have. Being allergic to the sun is most upsetting to me. I mean really, come on. Had usual break out for me, with welts on chest, neck, some face, inside of my arms,.......pretty. Antihistamines are helping @ the moment. My daughter was just telling me about eating certain foods and sun exposure can cause a reaction too. Anyone hear bout that? Input please.


I have always had a big problem with hives. I break out in huge hives head to to due to an allergy to the frickin cold. Really sucks. When it is sunny and hot i get them as well as since your body trys to cool you down by sweating. Antihistamines never worked for me. Crazily enough since going on Prednisone the hives have stopped. Now the only time I get them is when I am flaring and then get them all around my eyes

I don't think this is going to help you out at all, but it is my experience with the hives, and i believe it is connected. All our crazy immune systems....

Sorry I am not more help, I don't understand it either.

I had a allergy test done about 6 years ago or so and i was allergic to everything on there as well and then about a year or so later I got RA.  It does make you wonder the connection.  I also get an allergic reaction to tomatoes, grapefruit, etc. 