Darn cat/Darn mice | Arthritis Information


My lovely cat has got to learn not to catch mice. About 10 minutes ago she brought another one in from the garden and it was ( ohhhh i feel ill) hanging out of her mouth, she wouldnt drop it and was shaking it from side to side ( by this time I was in tears of fright)

I AM SOOOOOOOOO SCARED OF MICE..... Last time she beheaded one. Luckily my son was home this time and he chased her out the front door and went round closing all the windows so she cant jump back in......its so hot here too.

Maybe I can muzzle her when she goes out????

True story.  Once we had a racoon trapped in our building at work.  No one knew how he'd gotten in but he was terrified to no end.  He was running around squealing like a pig and trying to find his way out.  I finally had to take a broom and shoo him out a door while someone else held it open.  The next night we seen the racoon bringing a couple of dead rats up to the same door and dropping them off for us.  I guess he was just being grateful. 

Pinny, she's trying to show Mummy what a very good kitty she is doing her 'job'  Look.


She coulda brought you a ferret. Okay?

OMG...you went there before I could lol. 

Pinnie...she luuuuuuuuuvs yoooooooooou and just wants to show you how much she loves you. 

There seems to be an awful lot of rodents in your life!  Just be glad your cat is catching them before they end up inside your house.  My cat is too lazy and well fed to catch mice!

Okay, I have a story for you guys.  I live in the country, lots of critters in my yard - it's always an adventure.  Last week I put my four dogs out one more time before I went to bed.  Now keep in mind, this is about 3 in the morning and no one else is up.  Well I go to the door to let them in and I see Rosie my miniature eskimo trotting proudly in with something in her mouth, and Ozzie right on her heels trying to see it.  They were heading for my livingroom carpet.  I yell at Rosie and tell her to drop it, which she dutifully does.

OMG it was a rabbit with all of it's guts spilling out.  I think it had gotten hit by my car as I drove around to the back of my house to unload groceries, cause she came out from under my car with it.

It was so gross!  Things like that usually don't bother me, it's just a part of country life, but this was on my kitchen floor and it was nasty looking.  Now all of the dogs are looking at it longingly, but they know they can't have it.  And I know I have to deal with it because no one else is up.  YUCK!  I got a trash bag and oh so gingerly picked it up and put in in the bag, tied it up and threw the bag outside the door for my hubby to deal with in the morning.  Then I cleaned my kitchen floor with disinfectant.  The dogs were looking at me with great disappointment - they had made this great find and I ruined everything!

Hilarious!! I can just see all your dogs sitting there looking at you like...but moooooooooooooooooom!!!!!Yeah, it's like your kids coming home with ice cream and you snatching it out of their hands and throwing it away. you big meanie! LOL,LOL! Honestly though, I would have completely freaked outWhat's the big deal about the mice? Just fry it up with some

Less mice in your stuff! Go kitty

As for the mice, my one would bring me live ones and let them go in the house. Had to go buy traps and finally posion. I know that they were giving me "love presents" but I hate mice!!!

Finally solved the problem by keeping the cats indoors. So much better. I feel for all of you who get those little "love presents".

My baby is a berman and thanks to our playing with him as a kitten he's a prolific killer of mice and birds, I too live in the country my house backs onto fields. I get a mouse every day in the summer and I cant tell you how many times I have to yell at him to get off the bird table.

But yesterday he excelled himself. At 7.00am husband is shaving and the magpies are hopping around the garden and making the most awful noise. I look out the kitchen window to see what was going on and it looks like a scene out of Alfred Hitchcocks 'the birds'.

Milo has a big magpie on his back (bird has its legs in the air), Milo has his right paw on one wing and his left paw on the other and he is plucking this magpie's belly for all he is worth. There were feathers everywhere (enough to start a cushion

Its inherent that they catch stuff, my bin has a minagerie of dead things in it each week. Give him his due though he ever eats, spills any blood, they generally die of shock when he tries to play with them.

My son and my hubby are big babies they wont dispose of any presents he leaves on the mat!





 I dont mind the mice,  I fully expect to find 3 or 4 dead small things each week, its just stepping on them when I'm barefoot thats a little icky..

 I just grab the little sucker by the tail and toss it in the trash. If they are spoilling their guts I use a paper towel.

Our 5 year old is  helping pick them up now, but only after we examine it and identify it...regular mioles, star nose moles, voles, shews, field mice, common housemice, chipmonk, she actually draws them and describes them in her nature journal.

Katie- ferrets are just huge big mice



I couldn't control myself when I read the post......I thought I was going to choke on my cereal.


Ya know I love ya!!!

Sarah, what is a berman if I may ask. I have never heard that name before.

Our kitty (that we just put down) loved to catch lizards in when we lived in FL. Oh my goodness one time she caught a lizard, ate it, threw it up and it was still alive. It was so gross, I was screaming for hubby to do something and it's one of the few times he's gotten the heebies. He ended up flushing the poor thing down the toilet. My hero......




I'm loving the stories!! I want to hear more MORE MORE!!


My cats are boring, they don't catch crap. They just stare at it for a while. And try to climb the walls to sniff whatever bug it is that made it into the house. *sigh* We always get the weird ones.

Mice and moles or voles I didn't mind - it was the birds and the baby bunnies that upset me. I just kept reminding myself that he (Babe, my beautiful Maine coon) was just doing what God/Mother Nature had intended for him to do.    Pat

Owiedeb, I tried to attach a picture yesterday but couldnt (is it possible on the site?) He looks like a bigger version of a siamese in that he has that sort of colouring (he's a chocolate seal point) and very, very fluffy, but he's not pointy like a siamese. Bermans are, in my opinion the most laid back cats ever (I've had 4 cats both moggies and pedigrees, Milo is our second burman). I cuddle him in my arms like a baby on his back, my son throws him about and he just lets you. They love water so if the tap is running he'll be in the sink playing. In the winter when I have a bath he sits on the edge playing 'find the toes in the bubbles'.... I swear he's so chilled he must be on my pain relief

He loves cars and my next door neighbour has driven to work (fortunately only a 6 miles away) and then had to come back because he'd hopped in for the ride. Its funny but a worry. I have to warn any workmen to check their vans at the end of the day just in case he's hopped in for a look.

He thinks he owns the whole street. All my neighbours fuss him so he thinks that he can just go in and visit when their doors are open. He's a little bugger for not coming in when he's called and so I bought him a kennel which he uses so at least I know he's safe if he's not in.

My latest worry is that we have a fox he chases. The fox comes through the garden on a daily basis normally about 6.00pm. Milo chases him if he sees him. A few weeks ago Milo chased him and he jumped onto our big bin and sat there looking at Milo as if to say there's not enough room up here for both of us. The neighbours marvel at his lack of fear. Nothing seems to phase him.

Best of all though he senses when I'm down, and he comes and lays on me and thats precious.

Hey! Maybe Pin, needs to have a cat hubby use to have. Felix, he would catch the neighbors bunnies and drag them under MIL front porch and eat the insides of the bunny and leave the rest for hubby to have to get rid of.

One day the stooopid cat was out in the road playing with something and the neighbors were outside talking to us, and I said "You need to get your cat outta the road before he becomes crunchy peanut butter and jelly."


I wonder if my cat carried a loofah in her mouth with only 3 legs she would fall on her face..
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