Humira site injection/bruise problems | Arthritis Information


On my second dose of Humira every two weeks and had an initial site injection problem, it got red and I put cortisone on it, but it got red in the site injection area I believe from the pen syringe. But then about the same time, I got a horrible big black and blue mark on the top of my hand. It looks terrible. I notice that Humira's two most common problems are ISI - initial site injection and bruising. I wonder who else had this problem. It is nervewracking for I do not want to think I will get an infection. I don't know if I should ask for antibiotics, or when it is time to take another dose, should I, if I still have the red arm which is about the size of a quarter.



I get the big ugly bruises NOT near the injection site, it is on my arms and this latest one, not inflicted, popped out of nowhere. I understand with older people it is common. Called purpura, but NSAIDS and all these RA drugs can cause it with thinning skin.  Great! This is where I do the LUCKY LUCKY ME DANCE!

Also, I just read that sulfasalazine has an adverse reaction with PABA and PABA is in my daily Multi B's, so I am asking doctor to take me off sulfasalazine and lower MTX since humira is working fantastic. All these drugs are frightening to take. I don't care what anyone says, for there is a chance of sepsis.  The more you read, the worse your mind gets
