OTC Meds | Arthritis Information


Taking from a post Pip just made....I'm wondering about OTC meds.

I know you're supposed to read the box, and there's a good reason for the doses they post.

So how come your doc can tell you to take MORE than the box says?

Example: I was doing the aleve/ibu thing a lot back in the day. I was taking way more than the box recommends, PER DOCS ORDERS. Apparently, that's not so safe.

What's the deal?

I popped 4 aleve and 2 extra strength Tylenol yesterday, just to save myself from beating someone in the head with the nearest blunt object. (I was in just *wee* bit of pain) I've done this before per the advice of my last RD and my dear mommy.

Was that wrong? (well, it WAS considering how pissed my stomach was at me, but that's another story)
I think as long as you are under drs supervision you are alright...I just dont think they want people taking tons of OTC meds w/o a dr knowing.You should keep a snack around at work so if you need a bunch of meds that upset your deilcate little tummy at least you can take them with food. No chocolate does no count!!! Back in the day they also didn't really know any better.  My doc harps on me about the tylenol in my percs and not to exceed the 4 grams a day you can have. 

Your best bet...if you are having a hard time controlling your pain with OTC meds then there are other issues going on.  You are trying to mask an underlying issue.  It is that way no matter what pain meds you take and you are not trying to figure out what the underlying issue is causing you to take these pain meds. 

So, with that said...you get your tush back into the doc and start figuring out what you are masking.

And yes, chocolate does count.  I am not gonna go on yer a guy rant...buuuuuuuuuuuut until you have lived in the brain of a woman you can't say chocolate doesn't count LOL!! 

Oh Rose, how awful for your sis-in-law, I will pray for her and your family. Her condition sounds very critical (((hugs to you))))


OMG rose that is awful!!!!  Please keep us updated on how she is doing...

KATIE~  Get yer butt to the dr!!!

many of these medication such as ALeve (Naproxen) aor Advil (ibuprophen) have prescription strength equivilants.  So under medical supervision you can take more than the box instructions as long as you don't exceed the recommended prescriptino dose

Katie, until I get my next appt with the rhemy my dr has given me pain medication but it kills my stomah so she's given me tablets to stop the stomach problem. I hate having to take tablets to stop the side effects of other tablets but if it a choice between a stomach bleed or not then there's not contest.

You should definitely see your dr because there should be something he/she can give you that will do the trick and if not then he/she should be able to give you something to protect the tum.

((((rose)))) you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.



Sheesh. It was one day.....


My appt is on tuesday. Not RD, just PCP. My RD canceled on me, and I don't get to see her until August 27th!!!! Ugh! Oh wells....

I'm going to be begging my PCP to go back on some kind of anxiety meds, and I'm hoping that might help some of the on and off daily pain, my little bursts of "owies" As for the BIG pain days, I dunno. I'm only 23 (GAG ME WITH A F*CKING SPOON I CAN'T WAIT TILL IM 24 LOL) so no one wants to give me anything major.

I know WHY I was hurting so bad though, we had some WICKED storms the past few days, PLUS I had just gotten back from our concert trip, where I drove hours and hours and hours!!!!


*sigh* How do I make my PCP understand that I'm responsible enough to have a script for big painkillers, and that I will only be taking them on my very very worst days? I'm confused......

Katie:  Some of the tricyclic anti depressants have a pain relieving effect.  If your stress levels are a problem and aggravating your pain levels something like that may be of help.  A low level prescription pain reliever should help with normal pain.  Just make sure that with any prescription pain killers you will need to drink lots and eat lots of fibre so you don't get constipated

rose: I dont think Katie is crying wolf, there are times when the pain is overwhelming and there are times when we can cope.  Sometimes it is just plain worse than others.

Thanks pam :)

I'm doing so much better today. Why? It was a beautiful could free day. Go figure!

The thing about OTC meds is that people, thinking they are OTC and are not as 'strong', take way too much.  Tylenol is the biggie.  More people end up in ER's needing glutathoine pushes to try and bring their kidneys and/or liver back on line.  When I was in the middle of poisoning myself with Aleve (after I read the box - come on, it's ALWAYS 'take 2') I started researching.  I had no idea how bad what I had done was.  But I saw article after article about the greatest increase in ER traffic is from self-poisonings.  Seems nobody adds up all those grams in the head med with the grams in the cold med and wham - suddenly they're over the limit (which I think was 4000mgs but don't quote me on that). 

That being said I consider myself very, very lucky.  I reversed the neuropathy.  The tics are gone.  My liver is back to normal.  At the same time I was going thru this my husbands' boss was getting diagnosed with RA too.  He was popping Tylenol like candy.  He lost his kidneys.  Last I heard he was on the transplant list. 


P.S.  There are studies/books out there that says the reason we get these diseases are the asprin and tylenols.  Seems every one we take burns another hole in our intestines letting more stuff 'out of the gut'.  I am so hoping to get off the salsalate soon because without that I have no hope of healing the gut.


When the recommended dose of Aleve stopped working for me, the RD put on prescription strength naproxen.  For me, the prescription strength does work.

Pain is a fickle thing.  One day you can be a 8...the next day you can be a 3.  Pain is also a very serious matter when you are dealing with such an up and down illness as RA.  Pain can be and most of the time is indicitive of your disease flaring or being out of control.  It is something to be taken seriously.  My pain level has recently increased to the point that I had to change around my pain meds and go with something stronger.  It all has to do with me failing the humira. 

I don't think Katie was crying wolf.  I know Katie very very well.  I know her well enough that if she is asking about pain medication then she is not doing well.  She is truly at the point of not being able to cope with the pain on some days.  

Please everyone remember that we all feel the intensity of pain differently.  What could be a 3 for me could be a 6 for someone else.  What could be a 6 for me could be a 3 for someone else. 

Approach your doc with common sense.  Let your doc know that you feel that your disease is progressing because your pain at times has become more intense on some days and you can not cope with it.  Let your doc know you need something for those days you can not cope until you get the RA under control with the RA meds.  Let the doc know you want to start out with a mild narcotic.  Maybe do some research and try to figure out what would work best for you on the days you need it.  Tramadol is pretty mild and it now comes extended release.  Only 2 pills a day needed.  But with the way you are Katie, you might even be able to get away with 1 pill a day of the tramadol. 


Thanks mom :) With the way I am, I could probably get away with half a pill. LOL


My appt is on tuesday, and I'm actually feeling really confident about it. I had to take a flexeril today. I haven't taken one in almost 2 1/2 weeks. Not even during our trip and the concert! :( Bummer that I'm back to taking them again. I hate pills. :|

my apologies to Katie, didn't come across the way I was thinking,,,anger inside of me striking out, sorry about that.

sister-in-law still on life supports, her heart and lungs not functioning properly,,,,,she was one who the doctors ignored big time,,,diagnosed with fibro, pmr, cushings syndrome, and the big one "all in her mind".  She took so many pain pills that she couldn't tell you what she had that day....sorry katie please keep track of what u take OTC etc.

strange how anger at pain affects me
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